Narcos: Mexico season 3, episode 7 recap – “La Voz”

By M.N. Miller - November 5, 2021 (Last updated: February 17, 2024)
Netflix Narcos: Mexico season 3, episode 7 - La Voz
By M.N. Miller - November 5, 2021 (Last updated: February 17, 2024)


In the season’s seventh episode, Walt and Victor push the boundaries of what can be done for the greater good.

This recap of Netflix’s Narcos: Mexico season 3, episode 7, “La Voz,” contains spoilers.

Read the review of season 3.

Remember how dangerous the arcade game Paperboy was back in the day? I spent a lot of free time playing it as a kid at the Eastern Hills Mall. I contend that game was more dangerous than anything the guys delivering the La Voz morning news all over the streets of Tijuana. They make their stops. Share a cup of coffee. Even a swig of bourbon. It’s a beautiful life picking up the papers from San Diego (because the printers in Mexico can be bought off) and crossing the border. That’s until, on the sixth stop, the delivery truck, while parked, blows up and sends shrapnel into one of the delivery men’s stomachs. Ink on their hands? No.

But they now have blood coming out of their stomachs.

Narcos: Mexico season 3, episode 7 recap

La Voz

After the bombing and threat to our crush Andrea, Roman hires security, sweeps for listening devices, and drops this bombshell to anyone journalist’s ego — no more bylines La Voz stories.

Vincent & Jamie – Scratching Backs

At the end of the last episode, Vincent calls Walt, but he no longer works at the El Paso office. He talks to Jamie. Vincent is scared. Jamie can hear it in his voice. Vincent wants to trade information on Amado if he can have the DEA run a DNA test on some evidence. He doesn’t tell Jamie what it’s for, but we do. He is trying to find the serial killer of young women all over Juarez.

When Vincent meets Jamie, this time across the birds, he comes from his partner torturing and murdering a suspect because the AFO is trying to find the leak in their organization. Jamie hands him the test results, and they are inconclusive. Vincent, upset, gets up to leave and asks him what this was about? Vincent becomes insulted even more when Jamie offers to put him on the payroll. He storms out.

Vincent cannot be bought.

He later stakes out the bus where the girls leave the auto parts factory. No one will talk to him. They board the bus, but he turns around and stops it with his badge. He asks if anyone has spotted the girl in the picture he has been searching for the past year. All of them shake their heads, but one talks. She had been on the bus before, but she hopped in a large American car driven by a male.

Amado & Enedina — Let’s Get it On!

I think it’s obvious these two love each other (but not really). After Amado double-crosses her and Enedina tries to take the man who dresses like Johnny Cash daily, they are at war. Mayo contacts Chapo in prison and wants to help Sinaloa out. They can use his ships and create a partnership. Meanwhile, Amado visits Mayo and is surprised he is going with them.

“You know Sinaloa’s worth shit, right?” Does Amado say to Mayo? “True, but they still got soldiers. Just need leadership organizing,” he replies. Translation? They got gumption, spunk, and are a bunch of resilient bastards. He then puts the cherry on top — he wants Amado to front him cash to get his boats back up and operational. Does Amado want a percentage? Oh, I’m sure. But he wants something even more pressing. Mayo started to attack warehouses by crippling any revenue stream the AFO had and forcing Arellano associates to pick sides or suffer the consequences (death). Amado even places men he killed on the attempt of his life by sitting them upright in the middle of TJ’s square by a monument that looks just like Abraham Lincoln. Heads cut and now sitting in their laps.

“We’re at war,” Edina says.

Amado wants every member of the Arellano family dead.

The plan is set in motion.

Walt & General Rebollo – BFFs

Walt gets word that Alex and Alfredo are hiding out in a motel. Alex is caught and beaten by the Military. Retribution for the death of their comrades. His brother escapes out the back.

Alex is taken to the makeshift army camp and finds out they are taking their mole to be tortured for 48 hours so that he will talk. This ensures Walt, but General Rebollo offers some sage, if not unethical, reasoning. They had Francisco, but he lawyered up. They were able to obtain no information from him. This is their opportunity. He tells Walt. He needs 48 hours to get what he needs.

Walt gives him 24.

That’s until Alex drops a bombshell — he is a dual US Citizen. He tells this to Walt after he requests the American and suffers a beating during interrogation (this kid is brilliant). Walt tells the General it’s over. They can’t illegally obtain an American citizen on foreign soil. Not while the DEA is involved in a joint task force. Rebollo, always the pragmatist, makes it simple for Walt. If they stop now, Tijuana will never be saved (kind of like Gotham, I guess). He has made sacrifices and needs a win, just like Walt. He can relate. Walt tells the general to do what he has to do but stop recording and take out the tape.

Alex, thinking he has outsmarted the task force, is shocked when the Mexican interrogator comes back in.

This time with a battery and jumper cables.

What did you think of Narcos: Mexico season 3, episode 7? Let us know in the comments below!

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