Chosen season 1, episode 6 recap – the ending explained

By Jonathon Wilson
Published: January 27, 2022
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Chosen season 1, episode 6 recap - the ending explained


“You Still Want Everything to Be About You” brings Chosen to a predictable and unsatisfying conclusion.

This recap of Chosen season 1, episode 6, “You Still Want Everything to Be About You”, contains spoilers, including for Chosen’s ending.

The finale of Chosen opens with the conversation that Emma and Lukas witnessed at the end of the penultimate episode, though this time from the perspective of Susan, Lykke, and Adrian, so we’re privy to what was said. They’re all part of the organism, and they’re threatened by Emma and Lukas’s snooping. It’s time to come clean, though Lykke wants the chance to speak to Emma first, presumably to break the news to her gently.

Chosen season 1, episode 6 recap

Of course, Emma has already figured things out for herself and goes home to confront Lykke. She explains that her real mother died and that she was given to Lykke as a baby, who was asked to take care of her. The conversation still doesn’t yield many concrete answers, getting hung up on Emma being able to “feel” things, which implies she has some kind of unique importance but doesn’t really explain why or how. Not yet, anyway.

Meanwhile, Mads calls Gamborg and tells him that Emma has been communing with someone that she claims isn’t “from here”. Within a moment’s notice, armed Astraeus goons are searching Lukas’s place at the docks. Once again, Chosen gets a little tonally confused, playing Lukas throwing the armed men from the building to their deaths as a comedy sequence. Emma is pretty unperturbed by the carnage left in Lukas’s wake, the body parts strewn everywhere, but she at least gives half a reaction when she spots Mads waiting in one of the cars. And by the time Lukas, who assures her he’s protecting her, drives over the goon that rolls off his windscreen, she even tears up a bit.

Lukas also explains that these “creatures” have been waiting for the right moment to enact their plan. Apparently, they sit around and learn everything they can about someone, then coerce that person into liking them. It sounds, to be honest, like a convenient way to justify his doomsday theory — Emma’s question of why they wouldn’t have just done all this years ago is the pertinent one. Nevertheless, she calls Lykke, asking for information about the others. Apparently, he only needs to track down one in order to locate the others. He tells her to find out who they are and where they are, warning her that Lykke will lie to her and manipulate her and use her own thoughts against her.

It’s Adrian who meets with Emma, claiming to have been sent by Lykke. He gives some backstory on the aliens, about how they were fleeing from a species that was trying to exterminate them and ended up crash-landing on Earth. That was the “meteor”. Lykke was a human being right where they crashed, and since Emma’s biological mother didn’t survive the crash, she’s the only reason that Emma was able to survive. She gave up her identity and everything else to raise Emma, who realizes that she’s one of the aliens. The pills she has been taking have been keeping up her human appearance. The theme of finding oneself is made literal here. Once Emma accepts who she really is, then she can embrace what she can really do.

Chosen ending explained

Emma allows Adrian to transport her to that fluorescent dreamscape that she popped into briefly when Hans installed the orb in her neck. He explains that the signal told them that the war on their homeworld was over, and now they can leave. Emma is skeptical because of what Lukas told her, but when Emma namedrops him, Adrian begins to immediately panic. It seems like Lukas is a representative of the race that Emma’s people were fleeing from. Adrian psychologically tips Emma off to where her family is meeting, hoping he’ll see her there.

Given how Lukas has been carrying on throughout the season, it’s really no surprise that he’s the villain here, and any efforts the show has made towards fostering any ambiguity seem wasted. When Emma returns home, she finds Lykke dead and Lukas waiting for her, though she’s able to escape, which is surprising given how easily we have seen him deal with multiple armed men. While the Astraeus goons keep Lukas busy, Emma flees to the spot Adrian told her to meet them at and finds the mothership there. All those connected are patiently waiting to leave. Adrian implores her to leave with them, but as she’s deliberating, the mothership explodes, killing all the aliens, and leaving Adrian to the mercy of Lukas, who suddenly appears behind him. Before dying, though, he tells Emma that there are others, and instructs her to find them. As Emma flees, she once again finds herself in the glowing pocket dimension, which is where we leave the show.

You can stream Chosen season 1, episode 6, “You Still Want Everything to Be About You”, exclusively on Netflix.

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