Inventing Anna season 1, episode 9 recap – the ending explained

By M.N. Miller - February 11, 2022
Netflix Inventing Anna season 1, episode 9 - Dangerously Close - the ending explained
By M.N. Miller - February 11, 2022


Inventing Anna concludes an entertaining ride with a ridiculous premise of the titular character being the victim without offering any evidence of it.

This recap of Netflix’s Inventing Anna season 1, episode 9, “Dangerously Close,” — the ending explained — contains spoilers.

Read the review of season 1.

Inventing Anna season 1, episode 9 recap – the ending explained

Now we are all in the present day. Todd meets Anna in prison before it begins. After the meeting, Anna pays her fellow inmates Ramen noodles to take their daily phone call. Anna calls Neff, who wants to get a stylist for the trial. She is 1,200 dollars a day. Anna then calls her lawyer’s office, telling Todd’s assistant to get her father to wire her 10,000 dollars. Finally, she calls Vivian hoping she will promote the trial to obtain a last-ditch effort for fame.

Anna refuses to wear the clothes she was sent for trial. Todd begs Vivian to buy them for her, but she wants full access to another piece of the problem. To Anna’s dismay, hardly anyone was in the courtroom when she finally arrived. No reporters, no cameras, and no fanfarere. Leave that to Neff, who creates a social media buzz for her that gives Anna precisely what she wants. You have to admire Neff’s loyalty but maybe question her sanity.

When Rachel testifies, she tells how Anna almost got arrested in a foreign country when running up charges on her personal and corporate credit cards. Over 62,000.00 dollars worth. Her story brought tears to her own eyes. Sure, it was way over the top about never trusting anyone again, but it worked. She is moving the jury to tears of their own. And for some reason, Vivian rolls her eyes and Neff slow claps at the performance. Do these women think Anna doesn’t deserve to pay for her crimes? Or even feel what a nightmare it would be to lose your job and be defrauded over so much money?

All of this comes to the delusion that keeps coming up. Todd finally has had enough. He lets her have it. He tells her to stop talking about her father because Tood called him, and he wants nothing to do with her. It was a sobering moment for Anna. But Todd tells her he admires the big rhino balls she has on her. All Anna cares about is Todd proving to everyone how close she was to accomplishing ADF. So, Todd goes out and destroys Rachel on the stand. He is making her out to be the gold digger and committing fraud on Anna.

Now, Neff and Vivian reveal that Todd exposed Rachel as a fraud. Kacy confronts Rachel and makes her the bad guy for helping drop a dime on Anna to bring her back to New York. She is astonished that she turned in her friend. Todd and Vivian celebrate that Anna can be accessible in a week. So, let’s get this straight, Anna is a good friend for putting Rachel in the position of almost being arrested in a foreign country, racking up thousands of dollars in debt in her name, but now Anna is the victim? She has shown zero remorse for anything she did.

The whole notion of how the show has turned into Anna being a victim when it never establishes a reason for her unethical behavior is, frankly, ridiculous. Even the Scriberia team cheers the first not guilty verdict. Thankfully, she is found guilty of 13 out of 15 charges. She is lying to rest this type of ridiculousness.

During his closing arguments, Todd betrayed Anna by portraying her as never coming close to ADF. She cries about it in her cell in front of Todd. Oh, yeah, Todd abandons his wife and cancels their vacation to go back to Anna to be there for her. I hope that part is the “bullshit” the show keeps talking about because that’s crazy talk. But he did it.

Later, Vivian feels guilty for her story spiking through the roof and Anna being in jail. She is offered a corner office. She and Todd are shocked Anna is given a 12-year sentence, and, get this, Vivan says 12 years of her life was stolen from her. They both blame each other for profiting off her. Baffling because none of them realize Anna is now stealing their happiness and costing them their families.

The ending

Vivian visits Anna in prison to apologize and makes a fair point that Anna was given more time than most Wall Street thugs who milk investors. Anna tells her that we are not friends. She made her famous. It was a transaction. She then whispers for her to visit her and tells her that she is not as fat as she used to be.

Rachel’s books became a top 100 book of the year. Neff quit her job and moved to Los Angeles to pursue her dream of working in Hollywood. Todd became the number one lawyer in fraud defense cases, but in 2019 decided to spend more time with family. Kacy chooses to be more proactive and cut “pain in the ass clients.” Vivian continued her work at Vanity Fair and wrote Bad Influence (the real reporter’s name was Jessica Pressler). Finally, Anna was released from prison in February 2021 and deported back to Germany.

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