Clark episode 6 recap – the ending explained

By Daniel Hart - May 5, 2022 (Last updated: November 7, 2023)
Netflix limited series Clark episode 6 -- the ending explained
By Daniel Hart - May 5, 2022 (Last updated: November 7, 2023)


The series ends with a truthful tone about the celebrity gangster.

This recap of the Netflix limited series Clark episode 6 — the ending explained — contains spoilers.

Read the review of the series.

If you’ve made it this far, you’ll realize that Clark Olofsson is complicated. But there is a point about the ending. It says a lot about narcissism. The series ends with a truthful tone about the celebrity gangster.

Clark episode 6 recap – the ending explained

Episode 6 opens up with writer Sussi visiting Clark in prison. She wants to write a memoir about the celebrity gangster. It’s apparently “easy money,” as every writer wants the project. Clark is immediately attracted to her, but Sussi wants to get to the interview — she soon realizes it will not be easy money at all.

He shows her his prison cell and explains he wants to start a new life with his wife, but he hesitates when he talks about the children that he’s had with other women. He wants to drop that part of the story, but Sussi thinks it’s important for a memoir. Clark insists that the story should be about his life moving forward.

Clark leaves prison, and he immediately enjoys boozing with his friends who pick him up. They ruin a planned social event at a park by being anti-social. Clark punches the host of the event when he’s asked to leave. It turns into a fight, and Clark ends up stabbing the host repeatedly, shocking everyone around him. Clark was sentenced to two years in prison for aggravated assault. Clark is dismayed by the judge, stating that the man at least survived. When he returns to prison, his wife gives birth to their child.

While in prison, Clark gets a journalism honor from school. He’s now a journalist. He wants to talk about a range of subjects. Deep down, he did the course to get more furloughs in prison. After more partying and sex, Clark learns that his mother is terminally in and in the hospital. Clark visits his mother. She’s happy to see him and states she’s proud of him. And then, she dies by his side—an emotional and tragic time for the gangster. In prison, Clark tells Sussi that they wouldn’t even let him attend his mother’s funeral.

Three years later, Clark leaves prison. This time, he claims he wants a legitimate life, but as he leaves prison, he is kidnapped. However, it’s a prank. It’s his friends. At his “return to life” party, Sussi tries talking to Clark’s friends, but he tells her the best person who knows him is himself. And then, Clark announces he’s residing in Belgium, and he’s done with crime. His friends wish him luck as he gets into the car with his wife to start a new life. Sussi does not look convinced.

Clark catches up with Sussi about the book, but as he does, he watches his son open a birthday present; it reminds him of the time he opened a gift from his parents, and it was a gun. Sussi then asks about his parents, and the memories flood back of his broken childhood. Clark gets impatient with her again, but Sussi reminds him that the book must be truthful. Clark wants the story of a criminal mastermind turned into a brilliant father.

But it turns out Clark has been getting involved with secret illegal criminal operations while living his “legit life” so he could still make a lot of cash. The police turn up at his house, so he flees with his son. He tells his son he cares about him and cannot abandon him as a good father. However, as he sets off in his car, he’s surrounded by the police. He shows his gun but then looks at his son and remembers how his father treated him.

Clark gives up the gun and tells the police that he has a child in his car. As he’s arrested, he tells his son that he loves him. In court, he’s sentenced to ten years in prison. This time, everyone looks fed up with him. Even Clark seems fed up with himself.

The ending

A pregnant Sussi visits Clark in prison. She reveals she has finished the book but has decided not to publish it because the world has changed, so it doesn’t mean anything anymore. She doesn’t want people to buy into the myth of Clark Olofsson. Clark is frustrated, but Sussi raises how he only cares about himself, and she wanted the truth, not his manipulations. She lists how he used people and put them in danger.

But it appears Clark hasn’t learned anything as he breaks the third wall and tells viewers he’s only just gotten started. Surprise, surprise — the ending of this limited series shows a narcissist being… a narcissist.

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