Candy season 1, episode 5 recap – the finale and ending explained

By Adam Lock
Published: May 13, 2022 (Last updated: last month)
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Hulu series Candy season 1, episode 5 - The Fight - the finale and ending explained


The finale brings to life this stranger than fiction real-life horror show with shocking reveals and a brutal depiction of the main event—terrifying but unmissable TV.

This recap of the Hulu series Candy season 1, episode 5, “The Fight,” — the finale and ending explained — contains spoilers.

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The true life story of homemaker Candy Montgomery violently murdering her friend Betty Gore and the scandalous love affair which is closely associated with this killing, was all new to me. This is not a true crime narrative I was familiar with, but it is one that seems to have gripped streaming services, with two adaptations coming this year alone. Hulu have gotten there first with a taut five episode series, whereas HBO Max are currently working on a production starring Elizabeth Olsen and Jesse Plemons. This gruesome tale has all the hallmarks of unmissable TV and episode five, “The Fight”, is just that, a top-notch finale.

Candy season 1, episode 5 recap – the finale and ending explained

The final chapter focuses solely on the trial, as the witnesses are questioned and Candy delivers her side of the story. Candy’s attorney Don Crowder (Raul Esparza) places emphasis on superstition and psychological drivel, whilst the prosecution dig into Candy’s history of adultery and the brutal murder itself. The courtroom scenes are tense and truly fascinating to behold, with lots of drama and a few surprise twists thrown into the mix. The larger-than-life lawyer Don Crowder continually argues with the judge, admits Candy killed Betty outright and alludes to otherworldly connections thanks to the consistent ‘relevance’ of the number thirteen. He’s not only highly entertaining, but he also highlights the utter absurdity of this grisly case.

As the prosecution predicted, housewife Candy pleads not guilty, arguing self-defence. She’s given space to recount her side of the murder and returning director Michael Uppendahl doesn’t hold back. This is a full-on, horrific depiction of the event, borrowing heavily from Hitchcock’s Psycho and that famous bathroom scene. The slaying is reconstructed in a relentless, gory fashion. You’ll want to turn away, but feel compelled to watch. Candy explains how Betty probed her about the affair and then threatened the adulterous with an axe. A lethal fight ensued, ending in Candy’s unnerving attack. Psychologists call this overkill, an instinctive reaction, with the release of suppressed anger, but to me it just looks like cold-blooded murder.

The ending

Later, in his closing statement, the lawyer states that Betty can’t tell her account of the tragic event, which is painfully true. The filmmakers decide to counteract this with Betty present in the background, almost haunting Candice. She says what the audience are thinking as we ramp up to the verdict. It’s an unbelievable conclusion that truly shocks. Candy is found not guilty and is allowed to leave the courtroom scot-free, sauntering out into the midday sun. Obviously her marriage is left in tatters and she must relocate, changing her entire identity, yet this ending can’t help but leave a bad taste in the mouth. The creators clearly wanted this reaction and have managed to incite real emotion thanks to the stranger than fiction tale, which will surely provoke some hot debate when it debuts this Friday.

YouTube video

A compelling conclusion to the biographical crime drama, this well-crafted, unbelievable true tale showcases some great acting and equally top-quality filmmaking. Jessica Biel is a real monster as the killer housewife and the show boasts nail-biting tension alongside some terrifying horror. It’s also worth mentioning that the creators chose to keep this to a lean five episode run, whereas certain series’ have overstretched in recent months, with unnecessarily long seasons. Overall, a quality production that makes for a worthy binge this May.

What did you think of the Hulu series Candy season 1, episode 5 (finale), and the ending? Comment below.

You can watch this series with a subscription to Hulu. 

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