Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 5 recap – “Lab Rats”

By Daniel Hart - May 18, 2022
Netflix Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 5
By Daniel Hart - May 18, 2022


At this stage of the series, it’s regurgitating plot points as it’s clear the story has run out of steam.

This recap of Netflix’s Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 5, “Lab Rats,” contains spoilers.

Read the recap of the previous episode.

Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 5 recap

Episode 5 opens with Nicandro visiting Daniela in a flashback. They haven’t seen each other for a long time, so it’s an emotional embrace. While they hug, Daniela steals Nicandro’s phone. She then tells Lucia that they are lab rats, which isn’t “real life.” And then, Daniela helps Lucia escape.

In the present, Elisa and Rodolfo ask Marianna where Chema is. She doesn’t reveal where he is (The Medusa Center). Meanwhile, Chema is at the center as he believes they will be treating him for this trauma. He has no idea what he’s signed himself up for.

In a flashback, Sara accuses Marifer and her mother of plotting against her. After, she asks Nicandro if she can sell drugs with him. Marifer argues with Nicandro after, stating that Sara is her friend. But then, Marifer learns that Nicandro is also working with The Medusa Project. The series seems to be giving similar flashbacks but from a different perspective.

In a flashback, Chema touches Alex’s penis while he’s asleep. Meanwhile, Reinaldo believes he can “cure” homosexuality and schizophrenia. He uses a Freudian theory to present his case, linking chromosomes from the mother to being the cause. In the present, Chema is being experimented on. He’s shown a video of Alex naked in the shower. He’s confused about how Reinaldo had this video. Chema is injected with adrenaline as he watches the video.

The ending

The flashbacks with Sara continue as she confronts Reinaldo and then runs away from security. Marifer overhears Reinaldo talking to his team about lying to Sara about her baby — they want to tell her that her child died.

In a flashback, Reinaldo confronts Sara’s mother; they want Sara’s diary. When she states she doesn’t know where it is, he kills her.

At this stage of the series, it’s regurgitating plot points as it’s clear the story has run out of steam.

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