The Offer season 1, episode 10 recap – the finale and ending explained

By Ricky Valero
Published: June 16, 2022
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Paramount+ series The Offer season 1, episode 10 - Brains and Balls - the finale and ending explained


While the highs are incredible, the culmination of everything this series was built on loses its way in the finale.

This recap of Paramount+ series The Offer season 1, episode 10, “Brains and Balls” — the finale and ending explained — contains spoilers. 

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We saw all the pieces finally coming together for The Godfather in the last episode of The Offer. After a pep talk from Albert, Robert got back on track. Albert made good on his promise to show the mob The Godfather and they loved it. We have reached the season finale of the series. Let’s dive into what happened.

The Offer season 1, episode 10 recap — the finale and ending explained

Francis is freaking out in the bathroom as he paces back and forth because he is nervous about them watching the movie. But, Robert comes in with some delightful charm like he always does. Cabaret is opening ahead of the release of The Godfather and Robert isn’t happy about it. He thinks it will ruin the box office for the film.

Barry and Robert go back and forth about the release of The Godfather and how it should be coming out during Christmas. Robert tries to make him understand they need this to be a hit. But, he wants Barry to use his brain to make it work. Barry has an idea and Robert is excited.

The idea of losing money gives me a rash.

Bettye and Albert are talking about other scripts being sent their way and he is frustrated with the lack of quality stuff given to them. He shows Bettye a script that he wrote and she loves it. He wants her to start working on who she thinks will star in it, back to Barry and Robert, who go to see Charles with the idea he has. Barry raises his voice to let him know that they want to block out 300 movie theaters (unprecedented for the time), but we know that will cost a lot of money. They both get what they want. It is funny to watch these two work together after hating each other throughout the first eight episodes.

Robert gets a call from his ex, saying she wants to meet with him. However, I am not sure it will end well for him. Albert goes to see him to pitch his script to him, but Robert pushes him away as he is super busy. Bettye and Albert talk about how the duo can get someone so big for his film they can’t say no. Bettye comes up with the idea of Burt Reynolds and Albert loves it. Back to Robert’s house, where he has a chef prepare dinner for his date with his wife. She arrives, and while Robert is expecting to reconnect, she delivers him some divorce papers instead. It hits Robert hard. He tries to explain to her that he is a changed man and knows what he needs to do to fix their relationship. However, she knows he can’t change who he is and has to let him go.

On the flight, Robert and Albert talk about his film, but Robert lets him know that the next movie will be The Godfather II and not his movie, sadly. Robert always oozes confidence and doesn’t doubt in his mind that The Godfather will be a hit which means they need to be ready for the next. We get to the hotel, a knock on Robert’s door and it is his wife and she tells him that she wants to give the newspapers a little something to talk about.

We arrive at the premiere and everyone is jumping for joy. Robert arrives, he gets Kissinger to show up for Charles, Barry is happy, EVERYONE is satisfied because of the premiere for the movie that no one thought would ever get made. The press asks around what is next for everyone and Albert jumps the gun to inform them of the possible sequel to The Godfather.

The film premieres. Francis and Albert are sitting outside of the theater and the film ends, and the crowd goes wild. The critics love it (it is one of the highest-rated films ever) and Bettye reads off the critic’s reviews to everyone. Everyone has sent flowers, letters and thank yous to all the people involved in the film. Robert opens a letter and it’s Francis pictured with a car and saying thank you to him.

I can’t believe I’m about to say yes to a prison picture.

We see Albert sitting down with Burt Reynolds to talk about his script. Sports movies aren’t well received at the time and Burt knows that, but Albert pitches him that this isn’t just a sports movie. Burt finds out it is a prison movie and is not sold, but remembers that Pacino loved working with Albert and he says yes to the film.

Next, we see Francis, Albert, Mark, and Robert discussing the sequel of The Godfather (I wonder if it gets made, ha). They all marvel at the idea of the next film, with Albert being slightly hesitant. But they are excited to move further into the Corleone story. We are back at Robert’s place and Albert and Robert are chatting back and forth ahead of the Academy Award nominations being announced. The Godfather was nominated for 11 Oscars and the duo began to celebrate.

The ending

Bettye and Albert talk about what’s ahead on his schedule. Albert knows that if he goes deep into The Godfather II that he will not be able to make his movie. Burt called and said he is running a little impatient because he has other films coming after him. Albert is struggling with trying to do right by everyone but also himself.

I want my name on the poster.

We move to Charles, Barry, and Robert eating dinner together. Albert is pitching, continuing him as Paramount’s head while also doing a five-picture deal as a producer. Charles isn’t thrilled with the idea and Robert lays it out that he can kill him twice if he fails.

Albert takes Bettye to a secret spot where he invested three months into a place where she can run her own agency. She is stunned because she doesn’t know she can do it, but Albert believes in her. He asks her one last thing, to go with him to the Oscars. We go to Oscar night, Francis wins for Screenplay, Brando wins for Actor, and Albert wants to leave because it’s Cabaret’s night, but Bettye intends to stay, as Clint Eastwood announces moments later that Albert S. Ruddy for The Godfather wins Best Picture.

We go to the after-party, where Robert gives a speech congratulating everyone on their work on the film. He also announces that they will all be celebrating soon over The Godfather part two. Albert pulls Robert aside to let him know that he won’t be making the sequel. Although Robert freaks out on him slightly, Albert lets him know that he is walking away because he trusts his gut. As the series comes to a close, we pan to Albert and Burt getting ready to make The Longest Yard

Final thoughts on the series.

One thing I didn’t love about these last two episodes was the just immediate disappearance of the mob. I know Caesar said he took care of Gallo, but what did that mean? How did we have this battle over seven episodes and POOF gone? It made little to no sense.

Overall, the show is an excellent look at the making of one of the greatest movies of all time. It will be interesting to see the discourse surrounding the show’s accuracy, but ultimately, the entire show is a delight to watch and the majority has to do with Matthew Goode and the rest of the cast.

What did you think of The Offer season 1, episode 10 (finale), and the ending? Comment below.

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Endings Explained, Paramount+, Streaming Service, TV - Ending Explained, Weekly TV
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