A League of Their Own Season 1 Episode 2 Recap – “Find the Gap”

By M.N. Miller - August 12, 2022 (Last updated: February 2, 2024)
A League of Their Own Season 1 Episode 2 Recap
A League of Their Own Season 1 Image (Credit to Amazon Prime Video)
By M.N. Miller - August 12, 2022 (Last updated: February 2, 2024)


A League of Their Own continues to offer layered storytelling with three-dimensional characters and another big reveal.

The Rockford Peaches are now formed in A League of Their Own Season 1 Episode 2, but they still don’t have a coach. That is when Marshall and Mr. Baker introduce their new manager, Dove Porter (played by Nick Offerman).

Dover is remarkably optimistic about his team, much different than the Jimmy Dugan version played by Tom Hanks in the 1992 original of the same name. He gets his name, “Dove,” from the Randy Johnson he pulled years prior. He pitched a ball and took a dove out of the sky. They only have one day before their first game, so Dove takes them out to show them a few things. He pays special attention to the team’s star pitcher, Lupe Garcia (Roberta Colindrez), who throws a mean fastball and killer curve.

A League of Their Own Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

Lupe has no trouble striking Greta out. Even Carson lets a ball or two get by her as the catcher, which Dove reminds her he cannot have on this team. The only thing Lupe needs is a forkball. Dove teaches her it and now it looks like they have a big-league pitcher. However, that is not all they need. The team sees the owner and president talking to a woman in the stands, a woman richer than anyone there, Vivienne (Nancy Lenehan). She owns a makeup company and is hired by Mr. Baker to take the women to charm school after a newspaper article slams this little social experiment.

The Peaches struggle through charm school, and most think the entire thing is a joke. Remember, these are headstrong women who come from working-class backgrounds. They are now painted with makeup and taught how to walk, talk, and even curtsy. While Greta, Jo, and Carson make fun of the exercise and snicker in the corner, that’s when one of their teammates doesn’t perform the curtsy up to code. Vivienne thanks the redheaded Rockford Peach for her time, but she is now dismissed. The woman says she can do it but is escorted unceremoniously from the room.

Carson is about to say something, but Greta stops and can get her to realize what is happening. They don’t care about who is good enough to play. They want the girls to be as appealing as they can be to keep fans in the seats. So, when Jess walks without makeup, she is about to get the boot. However, the girls run to her and explain to Vivienne what happened. You see, her naked face is because Jess was helping them with theirs. Vivienne gives her a second chance if Greta and Carson help her put the war paint on.

A League of Their Own Season 1 Episode 2 Ending

Max is doing well at her mother’s salon. An affluent customer comes in, Mrs. Turner, and Max is asked to give her the VIP treatment. However, she is secretly trying to get on the team run and employed by a local factory. She must have a job there to get a place on the team, and she wants it because many players get scouted for Negro League who play there. The problem is she is denied an application. Why? Simple, because of the color of her skin, even despite reminding the “Karens” of the Roosevelt rule. (The rule states you must consider a minority for a position). Max finds another way by manipulating the feelings of a player on the team, Gary (Kendall Johnson), into putting her name on a list.

The show ends with a couple of interesting developments. The Rockford Peaches were shut out in their opener and were subject to sexist heckling for much of the game. They were told not to respond and to be quiet because Mr. Marshall needed fans in the stands, or they would lose their jobs for talking back. Greta is asked to stop being “so much” out there if this upsets her. Before Carson goes back into the locker room, she overhears Dove trashing her team, and he isn’t a miracle worker. He even signed the baseball of the heckler and secretly told him to follow those cruel heckles by saying it was a joke.

Finally, the show ends with Max at the salon and being involved in a deeply passionate embrace with Mrs. Turner.

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