Echoes season 1 – who is Jack Beck?

By Adam Lock
Published: August 19, 2022 (Last updated: November 10, 2023)
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This article, “who is Jack Beck,” contains spoilers regarding the Netflix limited series Echoes season 1.

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On Gina’s return to her childhood town, Leni’s husband Jack is acting rather suspiciously. The rancher has his own secrets in Echoes and the show slowly reveals just what criminal activities this man had been cooking up in his spare time. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding Jack and this secondary character always appears guarded and aloof, but who exactly is Jack Beck?

Who is Jack Beck in Echoes season 1?

Played by Matt Bomer (The Sinner), Jack is Leni’s husband and father to Mathilda (Mattie). It becomes apparent early on that the ranch has financial issues, but Jack is too proud to ask for money from the wealthy Gina and Charlie. To counteract these money woes, Jack gets involved with shady ranchers Towers and Payne. He takes on an illegal, stolen foal, with the transaction being light on paperwork and flush with cash. This one deal looks set to ruin Jack and his family.

This deal accounts for Jack’s suspicious, nervous persona, yet he is equally mistrustful of his own wife. He believes she is having an affair and rightfully so. Leni had begun taking diving lessons with Dylan and the two were planning to escape together. She had been distant and distracted, involved in drug dealing and fraud. Jack still loved her though and wasn’t going to turn her into the police, but the betrayal hurt him.

When she finally admitted to the switching, Jack was heartbroken and angry. He told Leni to never step foot in their house again. He would mostly likely seek divorce and guardianship of Mattie afterwards. However, Jack isn’t the most moral of people. When Gina stays at the house he forces her into kissing him and then continues when she tells him it is Gina not Leni. He knew she wasn’t Leni, but still forced the passionate kiss to take place. This sequence of events plagues Jack and he confesses to Leni in the end.

Jack put up with a lot in season one of Echoes. He fought to keep his ranch viable, looked after Mattie, practically as a single father, and watched as his wife went sauntering off to have an affair. Then the revelation that he was sleeping with both Gina and Leni all those years broke Jack. He knew that this story would ruin him. He’d become the laughing stock of the town and his family would have to leave out of shame. Poor Jack was just trying to protect his family and lead a normal life, but the twins made sure he’d never live a normal existence ever again.

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