Fate: The Winx Saga season 2 – who is Sebastian?

By Jonathon Wilson
Published: September 16, 2022
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This article “Who is Sebastian” contains significant spoilers regarding Netflix’s Fate: The Winx Saga season 2.

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Fate: The Winx Saga season 2 – who is Sebastian?

From his first appearance, Sebastian doesn’t make too much of an impact in Fate: The Winx Saga. In fact, it seems that he’s going to be nothing more than a side character that will help Bloom and Silva every now and again. However, only a few episodes later, that all changes. Instead, Sebastian is revealed to be a calculated psychopath who was purely pretending to help Silva so he could get closer to Bloom.

As the show progresses, we come to understand that he is a Blood Witch, and he wants to “right some wrongs”. In fact, he even enlists two moles to help him do his dirty work. But despite his cunning behavior, does his plan work?

What does Sebastian do in Fate: The Winx Saga season 2?

After Bloom helps Silva escape, Silva hides out at Sebastian AirBnB, which is also a hidden portal. And for a time, it seems that Sebastian is doing all he can to protect Silva. He even takes a violent beating from Andreas to keep Silva safe. But as the series moves forward, Bloom realizes that not everything is as it seems. She has the sudden realization that Sebastian is behind all of the recent goings on, and she confronts him.

Sebastian doesn’t even bother to hide who he really is. In fact, he taunts Bloom. For the rest of the series, Sebastian acts as pretty much the “series baddie”. And once Rosalind is killed off, Sebastian proves his worth as the number one baddie. And as we soon learn, he’s not doing all of this on his own. He has enlisted Beatrix and Gray to work for him. But when Beatrix turns on him, saving the world in the process, he quickly snaps back and brutally kills her.

But whilst Sebastian has proven himself to be a nasty piece of work, he proves to be no match for Bloom and her friends. After he kills Beatrix and nearly kills Sky, Bloom and her friends use their powers to overpower Sebastian. And as a result, his journey as the big baddie seems to be over.

What did you think of the character of Sebastian? Did you agree with his ultimate fate?

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