Will there be a Little Women season 2?

By Nathan Sartain
Published: October 2, 2022
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This article discusses whether there will be a season 2 of the Netflix K-Drama series Little Women (2022) and its renewed or cancelled status.

Little Women has proven itself to be one of the finest K-Dramas of the year, impressing with its intricacies, as well as the performances of its star-studded cast. Loosely based on the Louisa May Alcott novel of the same name, the show follows three underprivileged siblings who, whether together or apart, end up coming to blows with Korea’s elite Park family.

There are elements of a typical good vs bad conflict throughout, but there’s so much more too. Whether it’s an impactful commentary on social classes – and the smugness that the rich can sometimes have with those less fortunate – or just the gripping tale of whether or not three sisters can manage to pull off their lofty respective goals, Little Women thrives in its vibrant storytelling, and is near flawlessly written.

Little Women episode 1 aired on September 3 2022, and contains 12 episodes. Here at Ready Steady Cut, we gave the show a 4/5 rating, though often our recaps have higher scores, with four of the nine episodes released so far getting full marks. Keeping that in mind, let’s talk about the show’s renewal status for a potential second instalment.

Will there be a season 2 of the Netflix K-Drama series Little Women – renewed or cancelled status

Status: TBC/not renewed yet

Despite its magnetic appeal, Little Women has yet to be renewed for season 2. This doesn’t come as too much of a surprise, given that most K-Dramas only ever stick around for a single season, but it’s still potentially disappointing to fans of the show. After all, the Oh sisters have been a constant source of entertainment, and there certainly could be mileage in another story given the all-around unpredictability of the show.

Still, with the incredibly layered plot seemingly heading towards a resolution that will be finalised next week, we doubt that there will be a return for Little Women. Not everything needs a second instalment, and anything more risks tarnishing something that has been undeniably excellent up until now. Never say never, but at the same time, it’s certainly better to end on a well-rounded high.

As always, we’ll keep you up to date with any news here.

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