Lin’s (Charlie Hunnam) days in Bombay are numbered, he has the Australian detective Wally Nightingale (David Field) on his case with the full force of the Indian law behind him, and the fugitive is also caught up in the middle of a deadly war between gangsters Khader (Alexander Siddig) and Walid (Mel Odedra). In Shantaram Season 1 Episode 11, aptly titled “Banquet of Consequences”, Lin finds himself trapped in Bombay without a passport, finally facing the consequences of his actions. Meanwhile, Lisa (Elektra Kilbey), Modena (Elham Ehsas), and Karla (Antonia Desplat) try to escape the city in their own ways.
Shantaram Season 1 Episode 11 Recap
Our slum doctor extraordinaire returns to his new home after discovering the truth about all of Karla’s lies – she actually works for Khader after all. Lin meets with his best mate Prabhu, who wants to celebrate the fact that Lin Ford is still alive. Lin tells his friend that everyone has lied to him, except for Prabhu. But Prabhu may not be his most loyal companion anymore, Parvati has told him to stay out of trouble and not to risk his life for Lin any longer.
Back at the Palace, Maurizio updates Madame Zhou on all the developments. They have also found out that Karla is working with a journalist on a story that will incriminate them all. Zhou decides to meet with Walid to form a new alliance to stop this article from ever being published.
The criminals meet up in a seedy bar to discuss this unfortunate predicament. Zhou knows about Walid’s deal with Pandey and she tells the crime boss something he isn’t aware of, that Pandey has a mistress, the prostitute Sunita. Khader plans to use a journalist to bury both Zhou and Walid. The gangster agrees to help Zhou if what she is saying is true.
Khader meets with Karla after finding out that she has betrayed him. She went behind his back and gave Kavita the story of a century, involving Sunita no less. Karla appeals to her boss, stating that the story would incriminate Walid and Zhou, framing them for Rujul’s murder and the blackmailing of Pandey.
Sagar Wada would be Khader’s for the taking. Khader is annoyed she kept secrets from him though. He asks about Lin’s involvement and Karla defends her lover. Lin worked it out on his own. Khader believes this little article will start a war and people will die because of it. Khader even raises his voice to Karla and she runs off. Khader instructs Abdullah to go and find Lin.
The fugitive is busy grafting, hard at work on laying the new piping system in the slums. Abdullah requests the good doctor meets with Khader and the crime boss makes him a proposition. If he can convince Karla to call off the story then he will provide Lin with his new passport, which he has been keeping from the fugitive all along. Lin refuses to get involved in all the games though.
Chavan drags Didier back to the police station, he wants Wally to interrogate him for Lin’s whereabouts. Everyone knows that Didier and Lin are close friends and Wally wants to exploit this friendship. Of course, Didier pleads ignorance, saying that they are mere acquaintances.
Wally threatens to keep Didier in jail if he doesn’t give them Lin’s location. Whilst this interrogation goes on, the police are informed that Lin is living in the slums. Wally lets Didier go free, so that they can follow him, hopefully he will lead them straight to Lin.
The wanted man isn’t in the slums though. He’s refused to aid Khader, but goes to warn Karla anyway. Her life is very much in danger due to this deal with Kavita. Lin tells Karla to cancel the story, explaining Khader’s proposal. Lisa comes to Karla’s defenses, stating how she’s risking her life for Lin. Karla pleads with Lin to stay in the slums, so that some good can come out of all this pain, but Lin is done with this place.
Meanwhile, Walid puts his plans into action. He tells his goons that Khader’s reign is over, they will kill all his associates and then the crime boss too. Pandey is the first to be attacked. Then a gunman tries to assassinate Khader in broad daylight, but Abdullah saves the day.
Next, Qasim and his slum dwellers are attacked, leading to a brawl in the slums. Karla has opened Pandora’s Box here and there will be blood on her hands by the end of the day.
Shantaram Season 1 Episode 11 Ending Explained
As predicted, Didier heads straight to Lin and warns him of the Australian copper. Qasim is then brought into Lin’s hut after receiving fatal wounds in battle. Lin starts to tend to Qasim’s injuries, he has a concussion and possibly hematoma due to the fight. The police start to search the slums and Lin is told to leave by his fellow citizens.
Lin stresses that he can’t leave Qasim to die and they all move to a different hut instead. Parvati and Lin perform life-saving surgery to relieve the pressure in Qasim’s head.
Modena meets with Lisa and Karla for their quick getaway. Lisa suggests adding Lin to their gang, with Modena stating that they have enough money to go around. Maurizio crashes the party though and holds them all at gun point.
Maurizio demands to know where the money is hidden, but Modena has stashed it away in a secret place and won’t blab. Maurizio shoots him and leaves him for dead. The others are dragged back to the Palace for further questioning.
The police can’t find Lin in the slums, but they have his best friend Prabhu. The poor guy is beaten, although he won’t give up his friend’s location. Somebody who is more than happy to give up the fugitive is Ravi, the scorned lad from the slums. He tells Wally where Lin is hiding.
Lin sees Wally for the first time in many months and the enemies stare at one another and then a chase ensues. Lin escapes in Prabhu’s taxi. Where will he go without a passport?
Shantaram Season 1 Episode 12 Recap
Shantaram Season 1 Episode 12 (Credit – Apple TV+)
The finale opens with Prabhu driving Lin away to safety. He’s just avoided arrest once again, but he’s not in the clear yet. The fugitive has no passport and nowhere to hide, whilst Wally Nightingale is on to him. Lin’s first thoughts are of Karla and he wants to see if she is alright.
Abdullah is also heading to her apartment, where he finds Modena bleeding out on the floor. They take him to be treated, but he’s too ill to reveal Karla’s exact location.
Meanwhile, Lin’s lover is taken hostage at Madame Zhou’s Palace. It’s evident that the criminal wants revenge, these ladies have a history. She tells Karla and Lisa that they will be sold off to the highest bidder.
Karla hasn’t given up just yet though; she starts to hunt out for any hidden passages in her cell and notices a hollow-sounding wall. Karla gets to work pummeling this wall to freedom, whilst Lisa distracts the guards by banging on the door, pleading to be let out.
Kavita’s story is published on the front page of the Bombay National, with the headline: Sex, Scandal, and Sagar Wada. Walid reads the article to his audience of goons and demands the author be killed immediately. The whole city is talking about the article, but Kavita isn’t celebrating. She’s noticed that her boyfriend Nishant has stolen all the glory, putting his name as the author.
Kavita sprints over to his office and screams in the man’s face. Nishant defends himself, saying that he only did it to protect Kavita, but she isn’t interested. She storms off, calling him a liar and a thief. Literally seconds later, Nishant is assassinated by one of Walid’s foot soldiers. Nishant was right and he sacrifices his life to save Kavita’s.
Modena wakes in the hospital and updates Lin on the situation. Maurizio shot him and then took the ladies to the Palace. He wants their drug money returning. Modena explains that the money is at the train station. He passes Lin the key to the locker. Lin swiftly departs and retrieves the bag of money. They estimate that there is probably around 200 k in there.
Didier and Prabhu consider taking a little for themselves, but Lin wants to return it all and to be done with this saga. He heads for the Palace with the bag for a quick trade-off. Didier offers his gun and Prabhu takes it in secret.
Outside the Palace, Prabhu counts the bag of money in his taxi cab, as protesters march by, eager to storm the gates. The Bombay citizens are furious with the corruption spoken about in Kavita’s story and have targeted Madame Zhou’s building first.
While Prabhu is distracted, an officer clocks his taxi and informs Wally of the sighting. Lin meets with Zhou and Maurizio for the trade but presents them with an empty bag instead. He wants Lisa and Karla to return safely, then he’ll hand over the money.
Maurizio has no time for these games though and holds a gun to Lin’s head. He wants the money now. Karla and Lisa escape their prison just in time to save the day. Lisa knocks Maurizio to the floor as he exits the room, then a tussle follows. Lisa grabs the gun and shoots Maurizio multiple times in the chest.
The trio leave, sparing Madame Zhou, and head for Prabhu’s getaway car. Prabhu spots the growing police presence and drives off before rescuing his friends though. Lin spots Wally descending upon the scene, and they take a different exit too.
Khader and Walid both plan their final line of attack. The crime bosses are both using the corrupt Sergeant Sanjay in their schemes, but which side does his allegiance actually lie with? The showrunners set things up in a clever way. It looks like Sanjay has sided with Walid and an ambush is planned, but this was all just a ruse.
Sanjay, with the full force of the law, actually turns on Walid and a shoot-out ensues. Rafiq is gunned down first and then Abdullah executes Walid. Khader has won the war after all.
Our gang of heroes reconvenes at Didier’s flat. Prabhu brings them the bag of money, which he has now counted. They have 302 k in their grasps. Didier updates them on Walid’s death. It’s celebrations all around, but Lisa wants to return to Modena.
Lin hands her the money and Lisa leaves. Lin has been a little naughty though, he passes Prabhu a parting gift. He’s put aside some of the money just for the tour guide. Prabhu is and always will be the real hero of Shantaram and this is a touching moment — Prabhu deserves to be happy!
Shantaram Season 1 Ending Explained
Karla and Lin retire back to her apartment for some private celebrations. The two lovebirds head into the bedroom and Karla finally declares her love to Lin. She plans on meeting with Khader the next day to get Lin’s passport back, so they can run away together.
Khader and Karla say their goodbyes to one another. Khader says that he may have won, but he’ll have to be patient before taking the slums officially. Khader hands over Lin’s passport as a farewell gift.
While Lin and Karla plan their escape, Kavita is planning her revenge. She blames Karla for Nishant’s death and heads to the police station to assist in Lin’s capture. Kavita hands Wally the address of Karla’s apartment. The police head straight to Karla’s flat. Lisa halves the drug money and offers the cash to Lin. He takes the bag just as the police are arriving.
Wally chases after Lin, who escapes to the rooftop. Wally has him cornered now, with nowhere to go. Lin tries to plead with Wally, but he’s out of luck, this is about as personal as it gets and Wally isn’t leaving without his fugitive in handcuffs. Lin even considers shooting the detective, although he decides to jump instead.
Lin escapes without the money and races to the train station to greet Karla. Unfortunately, the police are waiting for him there and Lin is subsequently arrested. Our happy ending is shattered. In the next scene, Lin is tortured and Karla leaves on the train alone. In the final moments, a caption states that the story is “to be continued.”
This unhappy and surprisingly unfinished ending will surely anger fans of the series. A perfect finale was unnecessarily ruined in the final moments.
What did you think of Shantaram Season 1 Episodes 11 and 12, and the ending? Comment below.
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