School Spirits Season 1 Episodes 5 and 6 Recap – What Video Gets Sent to Simon, Xavier, and Nicole?

By Ricky Valero
Published: March 23, 2023 (Last updated: last month)
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School Spirits Season 1 Episodes 5 and 6 Recap
School Spirits Season 1 (Credit to Paramount+)


The mystery of what happened to Maddie continues to drive this show and keep us invested. Peyton List only continues to deliver better performances as each episode passes.

School Spirits Season 1 Episode 5 kicks off with Claire outside Mr. Anderson’s house, waiting for him to pick up his phone or arrive. However, while waiting, a cop drives by his house, and she freaks out. Next, the afterlife crew is prepping for the big homecoming game. At lunch, Simon and Maddie watch over Claire with her minions preparing for the homecoming dance. Simon asks about their relationship, and we get a montage of the past in how it all came apart for them.

School Spirits Season 1 Episode 5 recap

We kick off with Claire outside Mr. Anderson’s house, waiting for him to pick up his phone or arrive.

However, while waiting, a cop drives by his house, and she freaks out. Next, the afterlife crew is prepping for the big homecoming game. At lunch, Simon and Maddie watch over Claire with her minions preparing for the homecoming dance. Simon asks about their relationship, and we get a montage of the past in how it all came apart for them.

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Why did Claire and Maddie stop being friends?

One night, Maddie’s mom was having a rough day, freaking out and being weird. Then, Claire knocked on the door because she was scared and needed somewhere to go as her parents were fighting.

Sadly, Claire didn’t want her to see her mom the way she was and closed the door on her, causing the rift in their friendship forever.

Claire sees the principal in the schoolyard and runs over to discover what is happening with Mr. Anderson. Maddie and Charley head over to hear what she is saying, and she is fishing for answers to see if Mr. Anderson has named her at all.

Next, Simon confronts Nicole about Xavier, and Xavier walks up, suggesting that he doesn’t think Claire is involved, leading to Simon snapping.

Simon gets one of the custodians to give him a key to Mr. Anderson’s classroom. Then we see Maddie’s mom at the school asking about what she had in mind for college.

Maddie is looking on while this is happening because her mother is showing hope. Next, Simon finds some papers in English and notices that Mr. Anderson gave her A after A after A on her classwork by repeatedly writing the same essay. Maddie suggests that maybe they should let it go.

Finally, Claire confronts Mr. Anderson about what he said to the police. He tells her that he told them that he stole the money to pay off his father’s funeral. She asks him if he said anything about her, and he says, “I don’t remember.”

Next, we see Xavier doing recon work at one of Claire’s stepfather’s empty lots. As he wanders through, someone bolts out the window before he can see them.

Xavier and Simon arrive at Maddie’s and discuss what Xavier saw at the house.

Next, we see Maddie’s mom come outside, where she is scheduled to hand out a bunch of fliers of Maddie at the game. Mr. Martin asks Rhonda to look out for Maddie as he notices something is happening with her.

At the game, the cops walk by Claire, and she proceeds to throw up.

What video gets sent to Simon, Xavier, and Nicole?

While at the game, Simon, Xavier, and Nicole’s phones go off, and they get the same video of Mr. Anderson and Claire fighting. In the video, Mr. Anderson and Claire have words over the money. He told her he was doing everything she asked, and she said she didn’t care as long as she continued to get an A. She told him to do what he said he would do, and his secret is safe.

During the game, after watching her mom and Wally deal with their losses in their own way, Maddie realizes that she can’t give up and let her mom live without closure.

So Maddie and Simon formulate a plan to use Xavier to set up Claire by asking her to the homecoming dance. We see Claire pick up her phone, look at the message, and put it back down.

School Spirits Season 1 Episode 5  Ending Explained

Simon confronted the custodian about him possibly being the person that sent them the video. Then, Maddie’s mom asks Nicole if Maddie will forgive her and come home.

However, after the two embrace for a hug, Nicole puts stuff in her trunk but looks around suspiciously before opening it. The episode ends with Maddie and Simon finding a hidden room where someone could’ve dragged her body out.

School Spirits Season 1 Episode 6 recap

School Spirits Season 1 Episode 6 (Credit – Paramount+)

The episode begins with Claire texting Xavier back and saying that she will go to the dance with him. Of course, Simon, Xavier, and Nicole gather together to “get Claire to admit to killing Maddie.”

Rhonda and Maddie are talking about the dance when Maddie asks Rhonda if it is possible to have sex in the afterlife, and she says they can. After more digging, Rhonda finds out that Maddie died a virgin. Finally, Wally asks if Maddie will go to the dance with him, and she says yes.

Claire has quite a few questions about why now with Xavier. Xavier handles the confrontation well without missing a beat by saying he feels terrible about dealing with the situation and wants to make it up to her. This leads to Xavier freaking out over Claire, possibly setting him up, but Simon reminds him they owe Maddie.

Wally and Maddie meet and head to the dance together. Next, Claire questions Xavier’s dad while she waits for him to come downstairs. On their way to the dance, Claire stops the car to tell him that her friends are going to be a little hard on him, and shortly after that plants a big kiss on him.

After Xavier arrives, Simon, Nicole, and Maddie notice he has a lip print on his neck from Claire.

At home, Sandra, Maddie’s mom, is startled by some noise at her house. Back to the dance, Wally is having the time of his life while Rhonda and Maddie look on. Things aren’t going as planned at the dance, and Xavier and Simon have words with each other.

Moments later, Sandra calls Simon, who doesn’t answer, then Nicole, who says she will check on Sandra.

Wally notices that Maddie isn’t paying much attention to him and tells Maddie that they don’t think going to the dance is a good idea. She asks him why, and he says he doesn’t believe she is ready to die.

Of course, she mentions that he is “old” dead, and her being dead is still very fresh. As they are talking, Maddie sees Xavier and Claire leaving the dance.

What do the police find in the woods?

The police found Maddie’s book bag in the abandoned house, and when they continued their search for other things around the house, the cops stumbled across a crowbar that had a little blood on it.

As they go into the boiler room and start to make out, Clarie notices that Xavier turns on the recording button on his phone. She confronted him about his plan, and he showed her the video of her and Mr. Anderson fighting.

He pushes her for answers about what happened and if she had anything to do with Maddie’s death.

Does Claire admit to killing Maddie?

No, Claire admits to telling Mr. Andreson to pay Maddie off because she thought she was the one that had the video of them talking about the money.

However, she says that is it and knows nothing about what happened to Maddie, including her death.

School Spirits Season 1 Episode 6 Ending Explained

After they return upstairs, Xavier explains that he believes Claire about not wanting to hurt Maddie to Simon. A very defeated Simon isn’t sure what to do next. Xavier’s dad arrives at Sandra’s house to inform her about the murder weapon. He also tells her that they brought in someone for questioning, who we see is Mr. South.

Finally, we see Maddie apologizing to Wally for ruining the night for him. While he tries to tell her she doesn’t have to apologize, she grabs him and kisses him. As things wind down in the episode, we see Sandra reaching for the bottle and Nicole unburying something.

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