Where is Rita Ghosn Now? Carlos Ghosn’s Ex-Wife Explained

By Louie Fecou
Published: August 25, 2023 (Last updated: September 14, 2023)
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Where is Rita Ghosn Now - Carlos Ghosns Ex-Wife Explained

Where is Rita Ghosn Now? We discuss Carlos Ghosn’s ex-wife after the release of the Apple TV+ documentary series Wanted: The Escape of Carlos Ghosn.

The seven-episode documentary series follows the extraordinary story of Carlos Ghosn, once the successful and powerful CEO of companies such as Nissan, who was accused of various financial crimes such as money laundering, and eventually absconded from Japan on bail.

The series covers the complexities of the whole story, which is a long and winding road, and explores the background behind the whole affair.

Carlos is married to Carole Ghosn, who has stood behind her husband during the affair, advocating for his innocence and allegedly involved in his escape from the Japanese authorities.

Carole, herself an entrepreneur and business owner, would marry Carlos in 2016 in a lavish ceremony in France. However, before all this, Carlos was married before.

Carole is, in fact, his second wife, leading to people speculating about his first marriage.

So if you are interested in this story, you may want a little more backstory, so relax for two minutes as we answer the question: Where is Rita Ghosn Now?

Who is Rita Ghosn, and who was she married to?

Born in 1955 in Paris, Rita Kordahi would go on to become a public figure, particularly after marrying the high-profile Carlos Ghosn. As is often the case, Rita chooses not to reveal much about her private life, and the same can be said for her career details.

It appears that Rita has no social media of her own. However, a report in The New York Times would reveal early details about their relationship. Carlos would leave high school and go to Paris, where he would study at a well-respected engineering school. It was at this point that he would meet Rita, who was a pharmacy student at the time.

The pair share a love of the card game Bridge, and both have a family legacy in Lebanon.

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After their courtship and eventual marriage in 1984, the couple would go on to have four children together, but the relationship would break down, with the pair agreeing to divorce in 2012, twenty-eight years after their wedding.

Where is Rita Ghosn now?

Although there is no official confirmation, Rita lives in Paris, France, at the time of writing.

Why did Rita Ghosn and Carlos Ghosn divorce?

There is very little to suggest any reasons for the marriage to end, but the constant travel and the stress of raising the children in various locations worldwide may have taken a toll on Rita.

After a year in Paris after their marriage, Carlos would have to relocate to Rio de Janeiro, where his astronomical career would be ignited. However, this also meant Rita’s career would be on hold, as she supported her husband and family.

It seems that over the years, and many different homes across the globe, Rita may have just decided that enough is enough, and towards the end of their relationship, when Carlos seemed to be interested in Carole, being pictured together at various red carpet events, it is easy to speculate that this was the last straw for Rita.

What does Rita Ghosn do for work?

Again, this is pure speculation, but after the divorce, we can only imagine that Rita was well taken care of in the ensuing settlement, so although we are certain that she is a very busy lady, we don’t imagine she is relying on a monthly salary to survive.

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