“White Noise” addresses some important issues, mainly focusing on racism in the workplace and pay inequality. This topical storytelling leads to an exciting setup and a fascinating debate. The tensions are rising, and the many plot points are falling into place in another solid installment.
The data breach at UBA has unearthed many dark secrets within the network. Some are personal, but many of these leaked documents actually uncover a much more sinister side to the company. In season 3, episode 3, the cyber-attacks lead to the network being involved in a racism scandal, which Cory (Billy Crudup) uses to try and oust Cybil (Holland Taylor) from the board.
UBA scandal
This racism scandal comes in the form of a leaked email, which Eagle News broadcasts to the world. In the email, board member Cybil Reynolds (Holland Taylor) makes a racist remark about new host Christina Hunter (Nicole Beharie). This scandal also brings up pay inequality in the organization, as Christina is getting paid a lot less than her colleagues.
The Morning Show tries to keep things light after the cyber-attacks, but the scandal has actually boosted ratings somehow. Meanwhile, Cory’s own manufactured leak concerning Paul’s merger has also worked wonders for the company, leading to stock prices rising. Cory even urges Paul to reconsider his original offer.
Of course, the latest scandal upends all of this positivity. Cory contacts his legal team; they are in for another complex battle. Cory pleads with Christina not to sue them.
He offers her a new deal and promises to value her. But Christina is distraught; she doesn’t feel valued at all within the company.
Cybil hides from the scandal and speaks with Alex in private. She wants to defend herself and asks to be interviewed on Alex’s show. Alex doesn’t want to get involved with the story, though. Cybil fights her corner, refusing to be canceled over one mistake.
Alex may be against the idea herself, but she pitches it to the others regardless. The team agreed to interview Cybil on the show. Stella wants to show the world that UBA is taking this issue seriously, but Cory wants his nemesis gone.
Meanwhile, Layla discovers more leaked information on the hackers’ website. It shows all of the employee’s differing salaries. Layla warns her boss, Mia, that the staff are angry and ready to walk over these payment issues.
In response, Mia and Stella host a meeting to discuss racism and pay disputes within the company. This debate turns into another argument.
Mia and Stella argue among themselves in private. Mia says that the staff are overworked and underpaid; she even admits to sleeping in her own office due to these financial woes.
Stella proposes that they get drunk instead. Stella invites Christina, but she’s busy chatting with Alex. Together, they are formulating a plan.
The Morning Show Season 3 (Credit – Apple TV+)
How does Stella know Paul?
With the mounting pressures, Stella and Mia decide to go and get drunk. At the nightclub, they bump into one of Cory’s workers (Kyle), who updates them on Cory’s plans. He is desperate to get rid of Cybil and is talking to the board. Stella admits that she used to work with Paul; he is ruthless and not to be trusted. Christina crashes the party, announcing that she wants to be the one to interview Cybil.
After this bombshell, Stella persuades Cory to agree to Christina’s terms, while Alex convinces Cybil to go ahead with the interview as well. It’s an exciting setup as the two enemies prepare for the potentially life-changing interview.
During the interview, Cybil apologizes for her racist comment. Christina believes that the conversation is about more than just the email, though. She brings up racial issues and queries her own hiring and the inequality in the industry.
Cybil tries to blame Cory and offers Christina the chance to discuss these issues in future board meetings.
Cybil ruins her own defense
Christina reveals that she was the most tested host in the network’s history. Cybil says that she should be grateful for the opportunity, believing that racial divisions are being exploited in the industry. Christina ends the interview after Cybil’s final, unsettling comments. She handles the interview admirably, leaving Cybil flustered. Cybil has clearly ruined her own defense with these last comments.
Cory is overjoyed by Cybil’s onscreen meltdown. He thanks Mia for the interview. Mia then offers Layla the new anchor producer role.
After the interview, Cybil is voted off the board. Cory is elated by this result. To celebrate, he decides to ambush Paul that night to discuss the deal further. Paul tells Cory that UBA is damaged goods; it is no longer a safe brand. The episode ends with Paul calling the deal off; he will not be buying UBA after all.
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