Bosch: Legacy Season 2 Episode 7 Recap – Who planted the bug on Harry’s jeep?

By Ricky Valero - November 3, 2023 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)
Bosch: Legacy Season 2 Episode 7 Recap
Bosch: Legacy Season 2 | Image via Freevee
By Ricky Valero - November 3, 2023 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)


Although it is solid, “I Miss Vin Scully” feels much like a filler episode that moves pieces along but doesn’t pack enough of a punch.

Harry is starting to put the pieces together about who is behind the Lexi Parks murder on Episode 7 of the Prime Freevee series Bosch: Legacy Season 2. With Harry closing in on them, Don and Kevin figure out that Maddie is Harry’s daughter and begin to work her for information. As this happens, the FBI investigation into Chandler is leaked to the media. 

Our recap contains all the details, but beware of major spoilers from this point on.

Bosch: Legacy Season 2 Episode 7 Recap

Don and Kevin sit in the car to discuss Harry asking questions about the watch. They know that they are running into possible issues, but they have to handle it the right way. We see the duo staking out a prostitution operation and trying to find out who is running it to take it over for themselves potentially.

Harry heads to another pawn shop where he meets a guy to ask about Lexi Parks. He mentions that everyone in town knew who she was and that when she brought the watch in to get repaired, he found out that Sheriff Harrick had been down bad on money from gambling and pawned off the watch.

The police station calls Harry to inform him about the murders at the pawnshop and wants him to come down to the station. As that happens, we see Don snooping through Harry’s house to find anything about him. This is where he discovers that Maddie is Harry’s daughter.

What does Harry find on his Jeep?

With things getting weirder and weirder around him, Harry begins to search his jeep for any possible tracking device or bug. When he gets under the jeep, he sees a tracker placed on his car.

As a result of the stakeout from earlier, Don and Kevin are putting together a team that will take down the prostitution ring. One of the people Don gets to be part of the team is Maddie. The team sends Kevin to work his magic to catch the prostitute and her pimp in the act.

Who planted the bug on Harry’s jeep?

Harry has Mo research the device put on his car and finds out that it was Don and Kevin who planted it on his Jeep. Of course, Mo runs their records, leading to them finding out they are cops and their work history together.

While Kevin is inside doing his part, Don questions Maddie about her father and what he has said about the David Foster case. She said they hadn’t talked much but told him what he had said, including details about how someone spotted two men coming out of the pawn shop with ski masks on.

How does Bosch: Legacy Season 2 Episode 7 end?

Harry and Mo show the pictures of the two men who planted the bug, and she says that they were the two guys who pulled her over and arrested her that night. After listening to Lexi Parks on the phone talking about records, Harry and Mo head to do some recon work inside a house to find them.

Outside of the house, Don and Kevin are waiting for them as they prepare their next move. After Harry and Mo leave, the episode ends with Don about to crash in the back of a car that he believes Harry is in.

What did you think of Bosch Legacy Season 2 Episode 7? Comment below.


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