Like Flowers in Sand Season 1 Episode 6 Recap – Baek-du decides to compete

By Jonathon Wilson
Published: January 5, 2024 (Last updated: April 29, 2024)
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Like Flowers in Sand Season 1 Episode 6 Recap
Like Flowers in Sand | Image via Netflix




Like Flowers in Sand continues to miss a crucial element in Episode 6, still lacking a standout scene or idea to really get things going.

We’re halfway through Like Flowers in Sand, and thus far it’s lacking a single distinguishing moment or characteristic that makes it feel like the time we’ve invested thus far is going to provide a return. Episode 6 is, like the previous five, perfectly fine. It’s sweet in some ways and introspective in others. But it’s also cruising along at a pace that, at this point, isn’t good enough to sustain a relatively uninteresting plot and overly familiar central relationship. Season 1 of this show will have its fans, I’m sure, but imagine how many more it might have had if it just kicked things up a notch a little earlier.

Episode 5 ended with Baek-du confessing that he had rejoined Ssireum because of Du-sik. Of course, we know it’s because he’s besotted, but he plays it off as if he just wants to help her solve the match-fixing case. It’s whatever, at this point. It’d be more interesting if the audience weren’t always so privy to the truth; Baek-du’s jealousy over Hyeon-wook gives his true feelings away.

On that note, Hyeon-wook gradually figuring out who Du-sik really is struggles to sustain audience interest for the same reason. We know who she is. We know she’s Baek-du’s first – and apparently current – love. We know Du-sik’s father was involved in a match-fixing scandal himself. It has taken Hyeon-wook this long just to catch up with us.

A Potential Lead

The current match-fixing scandal revolves around Coach Yeon for now, but given that Choi Chil Seong died before the match and, during the contest, Yeon was seen talking to someone and nervously looking into the stands every couple of minutes, he was clearly answerable to someone else. Hopefully, Baek-du’s live-streaming wannabe-YouTuber brother’s footage, which runs four hours, will yield some more positive results.

Elsewhere, the rivalry between Baek-du and Jin-su continues apace, with lots of petty insults being thrown around and physical beasting for good measure. It’s all tit-for-tat and, again, a little tedious, which is a big shame since Ssireum is still the most interesting part of this show. Episode 5 does provide a little bit more in this regard with its focus on Baek-du’s tactical approach to beating a bigger and stronger opponent, but the actual payoff to this – read: the match itself – will presumably come next week.

Look, there’s definitely something here. I enjoy the nuances of the relationship between Jin-su and Baek-du, probably more than I enjoy the one between Baek-du and Du-sik. There’s a part of me that wishes this series was exclusively a sports drama rather than the two or three other things it’s also trying to be, since that’s very much where it seems to be at its best.

How does Like Flowers in Sand Season 1 Episode 6 end?

The end of Episode 6 teases next week’s outing, which will probably be worth looking forward to. Having squared away his reservations and decided not to make personal sacrifices for Jin-su’s sake, we close this week with Baek-du insisting that he wants to compete. He’s got a big match on the cards for next week, but until then we’re left with another mediocre episode to shuffle things along.

What did you think of Like Flowers in Sand Season 1 Episode 6? Let us know in the comments. 


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