Death and Other Details Season 1 Episode 3 Recap – Who is Katherine cheating on Lawrence with?

By Ricky Valero - January 23, 2024 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)
Death and Other Details Season 1 Episode 3 Recap
Death and Other Details | Image via Hulu
By Ricky Valero - January 23, 2024 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)




Death and Other Details continues to string audiences along with the whodunnit mystery that fails to deliver. The screenwriting continues to be a detriment to the overall show.

The stakes are raised as Agent Hilde Eriksen arrives to solve the murder in Episode 3 of Death and Other Details Season 1. With Agent Eriksen sniffing around, she discovers that seven minutes of security footage are missing. Rufus and Imogene scramble to solve the murder before she realizes Imogene is on the missing footage. 

We finally meet Agent Hilde Eriksen, who examines Keith’s body with Rufus. She unpacks that the killer entered Keith’s suite without intending to kill him. However, something escalated, leading to things getting ugly. Shortly after the examination of the body, Hilde heads to the location where Keith was murdered.

Anna sits with Mrs. Chun to explain that their business dealings are still good. She tells her that everything they knew they shared with investigators, and no one from her family killed Keith. However, Mrs. Chun tells her that she doesn’t want to hear from just her but to hear from her entire family. She gives her the demand of hearing from them in 24 hours, or the deal is off.

Rufus rushes to tell Imogene that Agent Eriksen knows about the missing seven minutes of security footage. Imogene says they must figure out who murdered Keith before she realizes that she was on the security footage.

Why does Imogene want to see the documents in Sunil’s safe?

Imogene attempts to break into Sunil’s safe to see what is inside, but she gets busted by him and Teddy. After a small back and forth, Sunil asks Teddy to leave to talk in private. Sunil asks why she wants in the safe so badly and she admits the truth by telling him Rufus believes that the Colliers were blackmailing the man who killed her mom.

Agent Eriksen confronts the security team about the missing footage. She mentions that she plans on doing a background check on everyone, including Jules, who doesn’t have an alibi for the night that Keith was murdered.

What do Sunil and Imogene find in the paperwork?

After agreeing to review the documents, Sunil and Imogene begin scanning the paperwork to find anything about any blackmail. Sunil finds out that the Chuns were right about the Colliers being broke. Also, Imogene found a bill of lading about a failed business from the Colliers. It had something to do with banned chemicals, but it looks as if the Collier family might’ve used them anyway.

Imogene thinks this is the smoking gun that could lead to finding out who murdered her mother. But Rufus realizes that Imogene has been so focused on this detail that she has missed clues to find out who killed Keith. Her tunnel vision has left them in a bind with the whole case.

Who is Katherine cheating on Lawrence with?

Anna is attempting to gather the family to meet with the Chun family. When she goes to her mother’s room, she is in the shower and knocks on the door, but she doesn’t answer. When Anna barges in, she sees her mother with Father Toby, making out in the shower. Father Toby freaks out, but Katherine insists that Anna can keep a secret.

Anna confronts her father, saying she wants him to meet with Chun’s family and sit there and shut up, but he pushes back because of the bad business dealings she has had in the past. Anna says she brought in the Chuns and would sell her soul to make this deal happen.

How does Death and Other Details Season 1 Episode 3 end?

Agent Eriksen begins to search everyone’s rooms, starting with security. Room by room, she starts putting some pieces together about Jules when she finally figures out that Jules was an alias and that the man running the security had a massive rap sheet. The episode ends with Imogene finding a hidden area where Jules is and him putting his hand over her mouth, saying she shouldn’t be here.

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