Death and Other Details Season 1 Episode 9 Recap – Who is Viktor Sams?

By Ricky Valero
Published: March 5, 2024 (Last updated: 5 days ago)
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Death and Other Details Season 1 Episode 9 Recap
Death and Other Details | Image via Hulu




Even as we finally figure out who Viktor Sams is, the backflips it took to get here have been exhausting. Death and Other Details suffer from continuously being overwritten to the point of frustration.

With Viktor Sams’s henchmen overtaking the ship, everyone is given a chance to leave for a price in Episode 9 of Death and Other DetailsWhile people are trying to figure out how much money they have, Imogene puts her detective hat on to unpack what Viktor Sams wants. The penultimate episode of Season 1, like many of the others, suffers from being badly overwritten, even this close to the end.

How does anyone get off the ship?

The group of men that have overtaken the ship have allowed the people Viktor Sams deemed innocent off the boat, including Rufus Cotesworth. He announces each of them will be sent to the shore to safety. However, he has a helicopter with nine seats available to the highest bidders. The man announces he will be taking bids until noon.

Tripp is trying to talk to Anna about how much money they have and what they can offer to get them on the helicopter. Anna isn’t saying much but does reveal that the family has $3 billion but isn’t offering much else. At the same time, the Chun family is gathered, and Celia Chun states she will not be playing the game where only the rich survive, and her granddaughter Eleanor pleads with her.

Who bought a seat on the plane with the Collier’s money?

Tripp heads into the negotiating table, trying to figure out how many seats he can buy on the helicopter. He asks the man how much $3 billion would buy, but he informs him Viktor demands proof of funds. Only $875,000 is in his bank when he signs into the account. The man tells him that someone has already bought a seat with his dad’s funds, and it is Father Toby.

Fifteen minutes until noon, and Imogene is trying to decode Keith Trubitsy’s notes from a book she stole from the henchman. She tries to remember who she saw the first day on the ship and who Keith was talking to at the bar. She finally uncovers Derek might’ve had the information on his phone, so she runs to find Father Toby.

Who won the seats on the helicopter?

The man announces over the intercom that they have learned much about the people on board in the last hour. He states one person could’ve bought every person on the boat’s seat but didn’t want to because they didn’t want to survive over those who have less, and that was Celia Chun. She won the seats on the helicopter and got to pick anyone who didn’t make an offer to join her on it.

Tripp’s buddies on board devise a plan to steal the helicopter for themselves to get out of there. Tripp backs out of the plan because he can’t find his sister, but they forge forward. Nobody is guarding the helicopter. The three guys get on it and start to fly, but it blows up mid-air.

Imogene and the crew go through Derek’s phone and see the person she couldn’t remember and who Keith Trubitsy identified in his book, Agent Eriksen. She is Viktor Sams. Imogene reveals that Eriksen had a vendetta against the Colliers for what they did, and her entire motive for what happened was revenge. Eriksen says you finally figured it out, and Imogene says, “Mom,” as the episode ends.

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