Doctor Slump Season 1 Episode 5 Recap – Two’s Company

By Jonathon Wilson
Published: February 11, 2024 (Last updated: 2 days ago)
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Doctor Slump Season 1 Episode 5 Recap
Doctor Slump | Image via Netflix




Episode 5 of Doctor Slump is rich with positivity and chemistry. The show continues to be a charming example of a worthwhile rom-com.

We’ve reached that stage in Doctor Slump where the leads are grappling with their feelings. Neither Jeong-woo nor Ha-neul quite know what to make of the other in Episode 5; they don’t know what their relationship is or what it might become. However, they do know that they seem to need each other at this moment in their lives, which only makes things even more complicated as Season 1 progresses.

Blimey, this show is charming. It’s romantic, sure, and the chemistry is there without a doubt, but where it excels is as a rare example of very positive relationships and refreshingly unproblematic characters. Only rarely in the contemporary TV landscape will you find yourself rooting for characters as much as we’re rooting for these two.

On a broad level, Episode 5 is about Ha-neul and Jeong-woo simply spending time together. Of course, their feelings for each other are developing during this period, and their confusion about those feelings is mounting, but it’s also a way to show us, the audience, that these two aren’t able to outrun their problems even with the support of each other.

A lot of the confusion stems from the old-school rivalry. They’re used to competing, so now being attractive to one another – be that physically, emotionally, or circumstantially – is new territory. The episode does a good job of weaving this feeling of newness and discovery into the trip, as the two of them play around and allow the day to kind of happen to them organically.

It isn’t all positive, though. When a man at the station collapses, Jeong-woo is suddenly reminded of his painful memories. That night, after missing the last train and finding a room in town, Jeong-woo is awoken by nightmares of the same and plays cards with Ha-neul through the night. She knows something is wrong, but not necessarily what, or what she can do to help. For now, her company is enough.

Two’s Company

The situation is somewhat reversed after the pair return to Seoul. Ha-neul overhears her mother and brother speculating about the outcome of her interview and, unable to face that particular truth, wanders off. Jeong-woo eventually finds her at the arcade but, as she did for him, doesn’t pry or interrogate her. Instead, he allows his company to reassure Ha-neul and they have another fun evening.

The most reflection comes when the pair visit their old school. True to form, Ha-neul’s biggest regret from that time is underperforming in her college entrance exam – it’s the thing she’d go back and change if she could. Jeong-woo, on the other hand, would go back and hug Ha-neul. It’s a sweet sentiment, and not an empty one – it’s just an extension of what they’re doing for each other now, reassuring and supporting each other. It was the thing that Ha-neul never thought she needed at the time but quite clearly needed more than anything else.

There is some friction towards the end of the episode. After having been convinced by Kyung-min that he can’t be happy in his present circumstances Jeong-woo tells Ha-neul that he only ever considered her a friend. Her family overhears this and thinks Jeong-woo has rejected Ha-neul, and they begin to treat him harshly as a result. Ha-neul, too, struggles with the idea and tells Jeong-woo outright that she doesn’t quite know where the friendship line ends and another one begins.

However, this little issue aside, Ha-neul finally understands that Jeong-woo is probably suffering from PTSD, and she once again goes to support him at his lowest ebb. He admits that he was missing her, throwing some doubt around his just-friends claim.

What did you think of Doctor Slump Season 1, Episode 5? Let us know in the comments.


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