Thierry Delay was intimately connected to the shocking and disturbing child abuse scandal explored in The Outreau Case: A French Nightmare. The Netflix docuseries recounts how the small town of Outreau became the center of a matter that saw the French judicial system dealing with allegations and convictions rocking the entire country of France to its core.
Thierry Delay Has Received Additional Sentences
Fifty-six-year-old Thierry Delay faced a twenty-year prison term after being convicted of abusing and torturing four of his children and eight others. His wife also took part in the unspeakable crimes against the couple’s offspring, including their son Jonathan Delay. After his sentencing, Delay would spend twelve years in prison in the Maison d’Arrêt de Seysses (Seysses Penitentiary Center) in Seysses, France. However, Delay would receive two further jail terms after committing more crimes.
Thierry Delay’s further crimes led to many suggesting he should have been locked up for life, which would have prevented him from being a danger in the future.
What was the Outreau Case about?
The Outreau case involved allegations of child sexual abuse, prostitution, and murder in a small French town that was investigated by social services, who would become involved with the Delay family. Horrifically, the investigation would lead to dozens of accused adults and nearly fifty children who were victims in the case.
A trial that took place between May and June 2004 found twelve children were victims in the case, and ten adults were found guilty of various offenses, leading to prison sentences. An appeal would be launched resulting in six of the ten being acquitted. This meant that four people, two couples, remained imprisoned for the crimes.
Thierry Delay | Image via Le Point
Crimes Explained
Thierry Delay would go on to live at the Pierre-Hanzel Center in Rieux-Volvestre, France, after being released from jail in 2016, for abusing his own four children and eight others. But by 2018, he was accused of more crimes. After being investigated again for assaulting staff at Pierre-Hanzel Center in Rieux-Volvestre (Haute-Garonne), the institution where he resided, he was found to have illegal pornographic material, resulting in him receiving a six-month prison sentence.
After this, Delay would return to the facility he was living in, and once again he was accused of assaulting another resident there. He would be incarcerated a third time, for a two-year sentence followed by a five-year supervision order.
Who was he married to?
Thierry Delay was married to Myriam Badaoui. Throughout the scandal, she would name other people allegedly involved in the terrible incidents. Badaoui would weave an elaborate web, however, at the trial, it would be revealed that her story was fabricated, and only four of all the seventeen suspects that had been named were involved.
Myriam was handed down a 15-year prison term in July 2004. She was released from prison in 2011 but in 2019 she was arrested again, this time for theft, and was given an eight-month sentence. After serving this sentence, she would move to a different region in France, distancing herself from her family and past life.