An action-packed outing, the seventh episode of Invincible Season 2 doesn’t skip the emotional stakes or hilarious humor.
Episode 7 continues the strong run of Invincible Season 2, following Mark as he and Amber attempt to steal away moments for themselves. But it’s all for nothing as their dates keep getting interrupted. Rudy also has girl problems, as his continued attempts to fix Amanda blow up in his face.
Elsewhere, the Guardians of the Globe struggle to keep it together, and Donald gets his chance to shine. It’s an action-packed episode as well as emotional.
The episode opens with a monster threatening the world, but it’s only a changed perspective, with it just being a guy at Comic-Con. Someone takes a photo. Amber and Mark watch, and she suggests that Mark take photos with his villains as it might calm them down. They spot several men dressed as Invincible, which creeps Mark out.
Inside, Mark nerds out, looking at various covers and things for sale. He worries that Amber isn’t having fun, but she reassures him she’s OK with it. Mark is desperate to see the creator of Seance Dog, Filip Schaff, and gets him to sign his comic. Mark asks when the next season of the animation comes out, and Schaff says not for a while, and points out how they can cut corners in animation, a funny meta-joke at the process.
Mark Tracks Rex Down
Afterward, Atom Eve calls Mark to alert him that Rex has gone missing, and she’s too tied up to help. Mark reluctantly leaves Amber again and finds Rex at an abandoned nuclear waste facility. He’s fighting a massive squid alien who’s kindly tried to learn English. Rex has to psych himself up at points, as he’s not fully recovered yet. Elsewhere, the squid alien’s minions break into a vault. When Invincible arrives, he takes out the minions while Rex blasts the boss alien. They chat, and Rex says the Guardians of the Globe will cover for Invincible one night.
At the Guardians’ HQ, Amanda is training with a robot version of her monster but is struggling with it. The advice Rudy is giving isn’t helping either. She storms off, and Rudy says he’s only trying to fix her, but Amanda doesn’t want fixing. Overhead, Bulletproof and Black Samson talk about the state of the team. Bulletproof is worried they’re not the best, but Samson imparts the lesson of Fast and Furious, that they’re all a messed up family.
Donald’s Existential Crisis
Invincible Season 2 Episode 7
Immortal wishes to resign as he feels he’s unstable. Cecil declines and sends him on vacation. In his absence, Cecil promotes Rudy. Rick has nightmares about his time with Sinclair and wakes up in a sweat. William tries to calm him, but Rick says the nightmares are constant. Donald tries to resign, saying that rebuilding him and lying about it took away his agency, which Cecil denies. Cecil says it wasn’t his call to erase his memories. He takes Donald to a computer and shows him several other times he’s died and been rebuilt.
Mark and Amber wait to see the dean of the school, and Mark’s very nervous. He’s called in, and surprised to see his old school principal. He knows about Omni-Man being Mark’s dad, so is sympathetic to Mark’s struggles. He offers Mark one month to prove he’s committed to college by fixing both his attendance and grades.
Donald visits Cecil. He wants all his memories back, which Cecil says is his call. William rings Donald. Debbie chats with coworker Paul on her ride home. As she leaves, he asks her out to dinner, though pulls back when Debbie is surprised. She agrees to go, however. In the house, Debbie and April chat about Oliver being a fast learner. Mark has a heart-to-heart with his mum, asking what it was like to date Nolan.
Debbie says it was thrilling, and she taught him about Earth’s culture, but there were times she felt alone. She says it’s hard being a single parent too. Donald arrives on the roof where William is about to jump off. He can’t live with his trauma and says he doesn’t feel like him. Donald explains he was rebuilt many times and is only about 2% of his original body. Rick asks how he can live with that, and Donald says because they’re more than just their bodies, they’re their decisions, the people they love or who love them. Rick steps off the ledge with William’s help, crying.
Anissa Pitches Viltrumite Rule to Mark
Mark is on a date with Amber, and to avoid distractions he takes his earpiece out, and leaves his phone in her room. The Guardians will cover, and Cecil has agreed to let him rest for two nights a week. They have a romantic flight through the city, over dinner plan a holiday to Hawaii, and chat about studying. This is typically interrupted, this time by the Viltrumite Anissa. She demands Mark speak with her, placing her hands around Amber’s neck as a threat.
To save Amber, Mark agrees, rushing to grab his suit and earpiece, and frantically calling Cecil. Cecil says they have limited ways to deal with her, so Mark needs to keep her talking. Anissa attempts to convince Mark that Earth should submit to Viltrumite rule and that the Viltrumites would be able to protect humanity. Mark argues back humanity needs to find their own way. Cecil looks at his options and then gets a warning about a Kaiju attack on a cruise liner.
He tells Mark if Anissa really wants to help, she’ll let him save them. Anissa says she will accompany him, and witness his powers. Mark struggles against the Kaiju. Anissa flies straight through its head, killing it. The ship begins to sink, and Mark and Anissa carry it to a nearby island. Once there, Anissa tries again to convince Mark of the benefits of Viltrumite occupation, but he denies it. She attacks and brutally beats him.
Invincible Season 2 Episode 7 ends with Mark and Amber breaking up
Anissa demands Invincible yields, and Cecil urges him to, but Mark can’t. Anissa warns him if he doesn’t accept his purpose, another Viltrumite will have the rest of the planet pay. She leaves. Cecil helps Mark up and tells him his nights off are no longer on the table.
In her room, Amber is shaking. Mark arrives, bruised. Amber explains she could barely breathe, Anissa’s grip was like iron. Crying, she says she feels like she has no agency in the relationship, and that her life doesn’t matter. She tried to live in Mark’s world, but can’t. The pair break up.
On a roof, Mark sits alone. He gets a call from Debbie, but really it’s Angstrom Levy holding her and Oliver hostage, asking when Mark will come home. The episode ends.
Mid-Credits Scene
In the mid-credits scene, Anissa reports back to General Kregg about Mark refusing to yield. They nearly run over Allen the Alien in their ship, sending their sensors wild.
Anissa investigates the disturbance, spotting Allen. They brawl, with both combatants surprised at Allen’s new strength. Allen fakes being knocked out and is captured.