At the end of Thank You, Next Season 1, Leyla suffered another romantic tragedy. Despite having trust issues with Cem, whose only apparent crime was having too many ex-wives, she also finds out that her soon-to-be-husband, Ömer, has cheated on her with her ex in a complex web of lies. But what does this mean for Season 2, which has been confirmed? It could only mean four options, so I’ve broken them down.
Option 1 – Proceed With Marrying Ömer
This one would make the least sense in Season 2 unless a formidable twist has yet to be discovered. It’s not entirely possible that we have only been given skewed perspectives. Ömer could have a perspective that he’s not yet shared. However, it seemed pretty clear-cut that he was playing games with his relationship with Leyla while holding on to his ex-girlfriend. It does not look like he has been entirely truthful.
Option 2 – Continuing Pursuing Romance With Cem
While I understood why Leyla was hurt at the end of Season 1, I have to be honest — my sympathy for her dwindled because she was struggling with her desires with Cem. If Ömer had fully known about Leyla’s constant desires for Cem and their history, then I highly doubt he’d have wanted to marry her in the first place. It does feel like Leyla and Ömer are as bad as each other in this phase of their lives.
It isn’t outside the realm of possibility that Leyla pursues her romance with Cem. However, the only con to all this is that he’s accepted as a narcissist, at least by one of his ex-wives. By the end of Season 1, though, viewers were pushed to be torn on Cem. He may have been unlucky with love, and he’s not constantly looking for his next wife. That was the angle the series was aiming for.
But there’s a risk here—if Leyla does give Cem a chance in Thank You, Next Season 2 and then is hurt by him, then that’s a risk that, in hindsight, is not worth taking.
Hakan Kurats as Cem in Thank You, Next (Credit – Netflix)
Option 3 – Sarp
This one is way off as a theory, but what if Sarp was the dark horse for Leyla’s future all along? He admitted to being in love with her at the end of Season 1. However, this option would feel too far-fetched, considering Sarp is married and has a child on the way. Leyla is also close to his wife, so it feels too complicated. I also get the sense that Leyla only has platonic feelings for Sarp.
If the Netflix series wanted to make it interesting, this would be a sensational route in Season 2.
Option 4 – Stay Single
I hate to say it, but maybe Leyla would be better off single as part of the main premise for Season 2. Her relationship with her first love keeps failing; Cem is a considerable risk, and Sarp is a no-go. Sometimes, you have to take the L and move on. And maybe Season 2 could focus on her single life and eventually meeting a fourth suitor who doesn’t fumble the bag.
I’d love to know what my readers think — where would you want Leyla’s love life to go in Thank You Next Season 2? Join in on the discussion below.
Thank You, Next Season 2 has been confirmed — I will be back to cover this, too!