The Ending of ‘The Accident’ Season 1 Reveals The Truth And Dispenses Justice

By Jonathon Wilson - August 22, 2024 (Last updated: August 26, 2024)
The Accident Season 1 Netflix Image
The Accident Season 1 Promotional Image | Image via Netflix
By Jonathon Wilson - August 22, 2024 (Last updated: August 26, 2024)


Unintentionally hilarious premise aside, The Accident Season 1 is actually quite a grim show, and its ending only reiterates that fact. Some justice is done, sure, and some closure is achieved here and there. But the underlying point is that a show about several kids dying in a tragedy concludes in large part by confirming that nobody involved really cared that much about the kids.

Episode 10 of the long-winded Netflix series has a couple of key questions to answer. Since the show tipped its hand very early about who was responsible for the titular accident, we’ve been waiting all season to see if Emiliano would be brought to some kind of justice for it. And, perhaps more importantly, there’s the matter of who had Moncho killed. The finale provides satisfying enough answers to both.

Moncho Was A Victim Of Status

The catalyzing event of The Accident is a terrible but also quite funny tragedy in which four children from different families are hoisted into the air on an inflatable bouncy castle during an unforeseen gust of wind. Three – the sons of Charro, Mauricio, and Emiliano — die; one – Paula, the daughter of Fabian – survives but remains missing; four families are torn apart.

The accident was caused not just by inclement weather but by negligence – someone failed to fasten the inflatable down. Despite us learning early on that it was Emiliano, who was distracted by the pending outcome of a lucrative business deal, the blame is pinned on Emiliano’s housekeeper, Moncho, who is later killed by an assassin.

Moncho is an easy target because he’s of low status. It’s telling that everyone believes he’s guilty immediately, having bought into the obvious fallacy that nobody with money could possibly be an idiot. How wrong they were.

Lupita Had Moncho Killed And Frames Charro For The Crime

That Moncho survived as long as he did is a minor miracle. Charro and Lupita wanted revenge on him immediately and tried to get it several times, but Moncho was eventually taken out by an assassin named Eulogio who poisoned him after posing as his lawyer. It is revealed that Lupita hired this hitman, unaware that Moncho was innocent and that it was in fact Emiliano who was responsible.

But assassins need paying, and Eulogio wasn’t shy about threatening to expose Lupita’s involvement when she stopped paying his fee. This prompted Lupita to take drastic action and kill Eulogio with a poisoned apple, framing Charro as his employer.

Charro is eventually arrested and imprisoned, though to be fair he deserved it. He was behind a good chunk of all the criminal stuff that happened in The Accident, including murdering David for sleeping with his wife. It’s a classic “I don’t want her, but you can’t have her” power play, and with David buried in a pit at the construction site, he’d probably have kept his freedom if it wasn’t for Lupita. How the worm turns.

Justice Is Done

It’s common for the rich and powerful to never face justice for any of the often heinous things they do, but Emiliano’s arc is a little different. He deeply regrets his negligence right from the beginning, but is forced to remain quiet by David and Javier so as not to tank his plans for the construction of an amusement park.

Emiliano’s real nemesis is Charro, who is determined to take revenge on him for the death of his son. In a variety of ways, it’s Charro who ensures that Emiliano is made to answer for his crime.

And answer he does. Despite the accident being determined by seemingly random events like sudden changes in weather and an ill-timed phone call, the fact of the matter is that Emiliano was more concerned with his business than the safety of the children. And it wasn’t just the deaths of those children that Emiliano was guilty of, but also the subsequent events, including Moncho’s murder, that occurred because of his complicity in the cover-up.

Emiliano is sentenced to two years in prison, which he dutifully accepts as penance. Whether he’ll really learn anything is anyone’s guess.


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