Day Shift (2022)

10 Exciting Movies Similar to ‘Day Shift’

July 31 2023, by Kieran Burt

Day Shift is a 2022 film directed by J. J. Perry and stars Jamie Foxx. He plays Bud Jablonski, a father who has a boring...

‘Day Shift’ Ending Explained – How Undead is the Undead?

August 12 2022, by Jonathon Wilson

Surrounded, it looks like our heroes in Day Shift are doomed. Wait? Is that Snoop (Big John)? Just in time, Big John turns up to...

‘Day Shift’ Review – High Concept, High Fun

August 12 2022, by Jonathon Wilson

Jamie Foxx is a working-class guy struggling to make ends meet. His estranged wife wants to move across the country with his daughter unless he...