‘Yellowjackets’ Season 3, Episode 7 Recap – “Croak” Is Passable but A Notable Step Down
I’m not sure now’s the time to be introducing new characters into Yellowjackets Season 3. The show has mostly worked by maintaining a tight cast, albeit two distinct versions of them.
‘Happy Face’ Premiere Recap – There’s Not Very Much to be Happy About Here
Happy Face is a true story, more or less, but you get the sense in its two-part premiere that it’d rather not be.
‘1923’ Season 2, Episode 4 Recap – Things Are So Bleak That Brain Surgery Is A Bright Spot
It probably says a lot about how harsh the Montana winter of 1923 is that a man having his skull drilled into constitutes a real bright spot. But here we are. Episode 4, “Journey the Rivers of Iron”, skips across all the ongoing subplots with a real sense of confidence.
‘Watson’ Episode 6 Recap – The Key Is Focusing on Everyone Other Than Watson Himself
I’ve figured out what Watson needs to do to be interesting, which is to focus on everyone other than Watson himself.
‘Yellowjackets’ Season 3, Episode 6 Recap – Things Are Starting to Happen and It’s About Time
Yellowjackets Season 3 felt like it was starting to get going in the previous episode, even though it was lacking those big, key developments.
‘Watson’ Episode 5 Recap – Finally Something Interesting to Say, But Still No Idea How to Say It
“The Man with the Glowing Chest” isn’t about a man with a glowing chest, though one does briefly feature.
‘1923’ Season 2, Episode 3 Recap – Welcome to America, Unless You’re Irish Or A Woman
America is the land of opportunity. It’s also, apparently, the land of thieves, sexual deviants, racists, judgy bureaucrats, and very long-winded travel options.
‘Poppa’s House’ Episode 13 Recap – A Welcome Bit Of Focus in the Right Areas
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it's worth reiterating that Poppa's House is a significantly better show when it's focusing on Poppa -- especially his relationship with Ivy.
‘Watson’ Episode 4 Recap – The Good News Is I Actually Liked This One
There might come a time in the not-too-distant future when I’m able to look back and say Watson got good around Episode 4. It’s weird, though, because “Patient Question Mark” isn’t even a hugely notable improvement over the first few episodes.
‘1923’ Season 2, Episode 2 Recap – Helen Mirren’s Blight on Montana’s Wildlife Continues
I know it say it all the time, but Taylor Sheridan’s fascination with animal-based peril is getting hilarious. Not that there’s a great deal of humour to be found in an episode titled “The Rapist is Winter”, to be fair.
‘Poppa’s House’ Episode 12 Recap – Same Structure, Same Tedium, Same Jokes
Pardon my ignorance, but I thought a slumber party was something teenage girls did. Perhaps that’s true and Junior is just regressing even further into his default state of unevolved moron in the absence of his wife, who is sadly elsewhere for Episode 12 of Poppa’s House.
‘Watson’ Episode 3 Recap – Watson Has a Headache and So Do We
Watson isn’t doing itself any favors by titling Episode 3 “Wait for the Punchline”, since it gives smug critics like me too many openings to be all like, “Still waiting!”.
‘1923’ Season 2, Episode 1 Recap – Guys, Taylor Sheridan Is Doing Animal Metaphors Again
It has been quite a while since the first season of 1923 ended on a relatively sour note.
Dennis Quaid Looks Unrecognizable in Paramount+ True Crime Drama Coming in March
Happy Face is a disturbing true-crime drama set to premiere on Paramount+ in March 2025. The series will be inspired by the real-life story of...
‘Watson’ Episode 2 Recap – Is This a Detective Show Or A Medical Drama?
Episode 2 of Watson is about a guy who thinks he’s someone else, which is pretty apt since this is a show that can’t seem to decide what it is.
‘Poppa’s House’ Episode 11 Recap – A Brilliant Case Study Of Why This Show Sucks
If you asked me to design an episode of Poppa's House that perfectly exemplified all of the show's myriad issues, it'd look a lot like Episode 11, "Dirty Laundry".
‘Poppa’s House’ Episode 10 Recap – That Was Almost a Decent Episode
Episode 10 of Poppa’s House is so close to being a decent episode that the fact it remains pretty rubbish is genuinely frustrating.
‘Watson’ Episode 1 Recap – Turns Out Watson Isn’t Very Interesting Without Sherlock
CBS is hoping the Sherlock well hasn’t run dry after Elementary, but crucially that show had Holmes in it. The premiere of Watson opens with his apparent demise after a tumble down a waterfall in pursuit of James Moriarty (who else?).