‘When the Stars Gossip’ Is All Over the Place in Episode 1
It’s fair to say that sci-fi isn’t exactly a go-to genre for K-Drama, and sci-fi-comedy even less so, which makes When the Stars Gossip an especially curious choice for a Netflix series.
‘When the Phone Rings’ Ending Explained – It’s Finally Happily Ever After For Hee-joo and Her Husband
Allow me to spare you the suspense – When the Phone Rings has a happy ending. For a long time, it was easy to suspect...
‘Bandidos’ Season 2 Ending Explained – Perfunctory Climax Offers A Mediocre Haul
The ending of any good heist/treasure-hunting show isn’t as much of a will-they-won’t-they as it seems. Nobody ever gets the loot, really. It’s either cursed...
‘Bandidos’ Season 2 Review – Returning To The Same Well Yields Very Little Treasure
It’s really no surprise that Bandidos was popular, despite it not being very good. It had the format of a heist thriller and the aesthetics...
‘When the Phone Rings’ Delivers Several Late Twists In Episode 11
When the Phone Rings is clearly the kind of show that delights in keeping its audience guessing (and close to a health event).
Martian Can Barely Stay Ahead Of His Secrets In ‘The Agency’ Episode 7
It’s about time that Martian’s secrets and lies caught up to him, and Episode 7 of The Agency feels like the point of no return for him.
Martha Gets the Spotlight In ‘Silo’ Season 2, Episode 8
Episode 8, “The Book of Quinn”, does manage to progress the overarching story with surprisingly even-handed consideration for everyone, especially the many residents of Silo 18.
‘The Rig’ Season 2 Ending Explained – A Fairly Conclusive Climax Doesn’t Mean The Story’s Over
It’s only fitting, I suppose, that the ending of The Rig Season 2 highlights the most explicit battle yet between Mother Nature and greedy energy...
‘The Rig’ Season 2 Review – Bigger Isn’t Always Better, But It Holds True Here
I can’t decide if The Rig sorely needed Season 2 or would have been better off without it. Sure, it ended on a cliffhanger, but...
‘Missing You’ Ending Explained – A Surprisingly Thorough Climax Pays Off Every Thread
To be clear, I was highly skeptical about the ending of Missing You. I just felt there was no logical way that so many interconnected...
‘Missing You’ Puts the Focus On Kat’s Friends and Family In Episode 4
Missing You shows some of its strengths in Episode 4, which is appropriately titled “Don’t You Forget About Me” after the Simple Minds hit. It’s...
‘Missing You’ Gets A Little Complicated In Episode 3
It’s ironic that Episode 3 of Missing You is titled “Never Too Much” – after the Luther Vandross song – since there’s a compelling argument...
Let’s Hear It For The Villains In ‘Missing You’ Episode 2
All good mysteries need a bad guy, a killer, a weirdo, someone to imperil the leads and create conflict. Episode 2 of Missing You, titled...
‘Missing You’ Gets Off To A Compelling (If Slightly Silly) Start In Episode 1
The first episode of Missing You is all about introducing various plot threads that seem entirely disconnected but will turn out not to be in...
‘Lockerbie: A Search for Truth’ Review – Colin Firth Can’t Quite Save This Dense Drama From Itself
I’m not sure Lockerbie: A Search for Truth quite constitutes a Christmas show, despite beginning on December 21, 1988. You might recognize that date. It...
‘Missing You’ Is Another Deeply Silly But Highly Bingeable Harlan Coben Thriller
It’s becoming something of a tradition to bring in the new year with a deeply silly series from Harlan Coben, whose partnership with Netflix continues...
‘Earth Abides’ Ends As Pointlessly As It Began In A Dreary Episode 6
It should come as a surprise to nobody that the ending of Earth Abides is as dreary, pointless, and drama-averse as the rest of it...
Tommy’s Problems Are Mounting In ‘Landman’ Episode 8
Episode 8 of Landman, “Clumsy, This Life”, is one of those outings in which very little of note happens but the show mysteriously doesn’t suffer as a result.
It’s Sa-eon vs Sa-eon in ‘When the Phone Rings’ Episode 10
Things are heating up in When the Phone Rings, aren’t they? And once again it seems to be Hee-joo in the firing line more than anyone, right after ending the previous episode in quite the predicament.
‘When the Phone Rings’ Episode 9 Has The Show’s Biggest Reveal Yet
You can feel When the Phone Rings approaching the end in Episode 9. We’ve reached the point where certain key questions start being answered while some mysteries linger unsolved.