‘Obama: The President Who Inspired the World’ Review – A Must-See Political Documentary

By Jonathon Wilson - January 29, 2018 (Last updated: December 3, 2024)
Barack Obama

Barack Obama
By Jonathon Wilson - January 29, 2018 (Last updated: December 3, 2024)

This documentary is about the life of Barack Obama. Who, despite his class, race, and changing beliefs, would become the 44th president of the United States of America.

This documentary starts by analyzing Obama as a fresh-faced college graduate. At first, he worked as a community organizer. This job role entails talking and listening to people in the community to try and reach out to them and the community as a whole to realize their potential. The documentary discusses the turmoil he felt in his younger life, feeling his identity was lost in the air of America.

His father, Barack Obama Sr., was a Kenyan senior governmental economist, and his mother, Ann Dunham, was from Kansas and specialized in economic anthropology. As a young man growing up in America during the eighties, he was seen as white by the black community and black to the white community. Obama felt he didn’t quite have that sense of belonging we all long for. After visiting his father’s grave after Obama senior died when Obama junior was just twenty-one, he returned to America and applied to study law at Harvard.

The documentary tells how Obama’s classes molded his personality. He gained more confidence, and it was tangible that he was shaping up to be a leader. The documentary also mentions how Obama was elected president of the Harvard Law Review, the first Black African to be awarded such a novelty.

After Obama gained his confidence and realized he had the skill to be a likable leader, he released his autobiography in 1995. At thirty years old and unknown to the world, he released “Dreams From My Father.” This shows Obama’s conflict surrounding his heritage and where and to whom he belonged. The documentary then jumps backward 6 years to 1989, when Obama met Michelle Robinson. Who would eventually become a highly established role model for people everywhere.

Although I wouldn’t say I like the jump backward, this is very important to Obama’s journey. Obama was contemplating running for office in Chicago, the demographic of which was mostly made up of black African communities. As the documentary already discussed, Obama was trusted by and seen mostly by the black community as white. The reason Michelle is tied in so late is that it is she and the family they have together which would eventually change how Obama was portrayed and win Obama the votes.

The Obamas

Obama Family Portrait

The documentary goes on to discuss the trials and tribulations he suffered, mainly from within the institution. Obama frequently suffered political obstruction in his first term. Those higher up refused to conform to Obama’s forward-thinking. Whether this was due to a contrasting opinion of politics or a racial matter will never be clarified. One major problem Obama faced in his second term of office was police brutality.

The mold had been broken with an African American being voted for president twice. However, the same could not be said for the social exclusion many suffered from at the time.

Obama brought in people from the Civil Rights Department and people representing the police force and had a four-hour meeting to discuss such matters, showing the passion Obama seemed to always apply to such matters. The setback we can see in this is that his critics lashed out by suggesting that if America had had a white president, the issue wouldn’t have been taken care of so tentatively. However, you must be the change you wish to see in the world (Mahatma Gandhi).

Every president, every prime minister, and every leader of a country has made a decision that they are not proud of, and the public views it as the wrong call. The same applies to Obama. The documentary shows how abysmal the situation in Libya and Syria was between all the attacks and bombings, the threats (which seemed to be empty), and the humanitarian crisis that ensued. Although you could name worse leaders than Obama, he was not perfect during his two terms. But could anyone really be perfect for everyone?

If you’re interested in how the first-ever African-American president came to own such a title, then you should definitely watch this. It flashes almost perfectly through the life of a young Obama. Showing how and where he was shaped to be the 44th president of the USA. Despite all his inner turmoil, barriers created by society, and his progressive political beliefs, whether you agree with them or not, he has turned out to be one of the most well-loved celebrities of our day.

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