Dear White People Recap: Her Side Of The Story

By Daniel Hart - August 2, 2019 (Last updated: November 8, 2023)
Dear White People Season 3, Episode 8
By Daniel Hart - August 2, 2019 (Last updated: November 8, 2023)


Dear White People Season 3, Episode 8 deals with the aftermath of Brooke hearing an alleged sexual assault story on campus and the fallout that occurs.

This recap of Dear White People Season 3, Episode 8 contains spoilers. You can read our recap of the previous episode by clicking these words.

The alleged sexual assault story by Muffy has caused a stir in the Armstrong-Parker house. In Episode 8, Brooke approaches Muffy in the laundry room, true journalist-style, and asks her to tell the story of what happened between her and Professor Moses Brown. Brooke believes she has to tell the truth and even asks Coco to help encourage Muffy.

The sexual assault story is also pushing Reggie and Joelle farther apart. Reggie is so consumed by the new mobile app created by Brown that he’s blindly relying on his allegiance with him. Joelle is not amused at her boyfriend’s stance on the matter. These two are barely a couple anymore — there is zero intimacy when he stays the night.

The story is preying on Reggie’s mind, and he confronts Moses Brown about the incident. Episode 8 sets the scene with Professor Brown blatantly diverting the story that he resisted Muffy and that it was merely an intense crush on a teacher. Reggie wholeheartedly believes Brown, and confronts Joelle about his side of the story, stating that there’s a history of white women falsely accusing black men of assault.

Moments later, Muffy completely dismantles the story for Brooke by changing her views of what happened that night. And with that, Brooke confronts Coco asking for help, which is quickly rejected.

As Dear White People Season 3, Episode 8 ends Muffy tells Coco she changed her story because she is confused, and as a feminist, she has the right to make a choice.

Winchester’s Observations

  • During Episode 8, the group plays a game of Mafia — a version of Murder Mystery.
  • Coco is still trying to get that scholarship and is doing everything she can to get that recommendation from her teacher.

Our coverage does not stop here. Read the recap of episode 9 by clicking these words.

Netflix, TV Recaps