Dead to Me season 2, episode 2 recap and breakdown

By Daniel Hart - May 8, 2020 (Last updated: February 7, 2024)
Netflix series Dead to Me season 2, episode 2 - Where Have You Been
By Daniel Hart - May 8, 2020 (Last updated: February 7, 2024)


Dead to Me season 2, episode 2, “Where Have You Been” sees the plot thicken with Jen and Judy coping with the situation in different ways.

This recap of Netflix series Dead to Me season 2, episode 2, “Where Have You Been” contains spoilers.

How does Dead to Me season 2, episode, “Where Have You Been” begin?

The man at the front door is Ben (Steve has a semi-identical twin brother). Jen faints. The dark comedy series continues to add layers.

When Jen wakes up, we learn that Ben is a doctor so he asks Jen if he’s under any stress. Ben tells them both that Steve is missing and the FBI is looking for him.

Judy tells her that she reported Steve to the FBI for money laundering. Jen says chaos follows Judy wherever she goes and she’s worried about losing her children.

“You might have the worst judgment of anyone I’ve ever met”.

Jen tells her to stay away from the FBI. It’s clear in Episode 2 that it’s sunk in how much trouble she may be in and her children are at risk.

Does Judy listen?

Of course she doesn’t.

Judy tells Ben a lie; that Steve planned to move to Mexico if everything went awry. She continues to throw red herrings to Ben. Ben tells Judy that she’s much better off without Steve.

Judy drops the bombshell — that she turned Steve into the police and FBI. Ben isn’t a particularly great brother, stating she did the right thing.

Family is family, eh.

Why does Detective Perez turn up at Jen’s house?

When Jen returns home in Dead to Me season 2, episode 2, “Where Have You Been”, Detective Perez is there and she apologizes and gives her a restraining order for Judy. Comically, Judy then leaves her house, making the situation weird.

Perez is fuming and asks Jen if she’s changing her story now she and Judy are friends. She warns Jen to her very careful as Steve knows dangerous people.

Jen freaks out to Judy, believing Perez is on to them. Judy drops another bombshell — Steve was laundering for the Greek mafia.

Judy loves to drop bombshells.

How does Dead to Me season 2, episode 2, “Where Have You Been” end?

Well, Ben comes over and Judy inappropriately invites him for dinner. Ben tells Jen that Steve is in Mexico and Jen realizes that Judy is trying to protect them by diverting the investigation.

The dinner is suddenly distracted as Henry finds a bird in the garage.

Jen thanks Judy for handling the bird and apologizes. In the middle of the night, Jen sees a nest of birds in the garage and the bird is trying to get back in. She hangs the nest outside. Jen suddenly remembers dragging Steve’s dead body and hiding it in the garage.

Dead to Me season 2, episode 2, “Where Have You Been” sees the plot thicken with Jen and Judy coping with the situation in different ways.

Other points

  • Preparing for the worst, Jen is thinking about assigning an emergency guardian for her children. She asks Ted’s mother Lorna, who assumes she’s sick.
  • Henry is still part of the church choir.
  • Charlie wants to know why Perez came over.
  • Perez tries to recruit Nick to look into Judy but he refuses; however, he gives her a folder of information.
  • Ben loves the pool and tells Jen “I’d die to be in that pool”. Jen sighs.

Netflix, TV Recaps