Zero Chill season 1, episode 3 recap – what happened in “Sucker Punch”?

By Daniel Hart
Published: March 15, 2021
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Netflix series Zero Chill season 1, episode 3 - Sucker Punch


“Sucker Punch” shows Kayla trying to recover her figure skating life while her brother is getting cocky — the story is heating up slightly, but there’s no smoke yet.

This recap of Netflix’s Zero Chill season 1, episode 3, “Sucker Punch”, contains spoilers.

Kayla is running out of options for a figure skating life in this series, but she isn’t running out of hope, while her brother Mac is getting too big for his boots in “Sucker Punch”.

Sky talks to Kayla and says they cannot skate together but can still talk about it and be friends. Kayla agrees, but then she’s excited because Jacob is in England. She reckons Jacob is trying to surprise her.

Stop hogging the puck

Mac keeps hogging the puck in hockey practice, and Anton Hammarstrom teaches him a lesson as another teammate barges him over. Anton clearly believes Mac can be a star but wants him to mature in his performances.

Mac makes a bet with another teammate named Bear to outscore him before a big game. While hogging the puck, the team leaves Mac to get bullied by the other team. Mac gets aggressive, and Anton Hammarstrom subs him. The character is slowly his grip on the team and losing the respect of others.

Meeting Jacob

Zero Chill season 1, episode 3 brings an awful surprise for Kayla, who momentarily feels betrayed by her friend.

Sky and Kayla head to Jacob’s location to find him. Sky suspects that something is not right. When she reaches the location, it’s another ice skating rink. When she heads inside, she sees Jacob with a new partner, and she’s gutted. She watches them dance, and it’s a sucker punch. Jacob explains that it’s an international pairs taster and his parents have been trying to find him a new partner. He tells her it isn’t his fault that she moved halfway around the world. The conversation relaxes, and they are happy to see each other.

Jacob’s parents planned this, but Kayla doesn’t want to give up

But it turns out Jacob is not completely happy, so there’s still hope for Kayla.

Jacob introduces Sky and Kayla to his potential new partner Maia. She reveals that Jacob’s parents tried to find him a new partner way before Kayla moved country. Jacob apologizes to Kayla and claims he didn’t know what his parents were doing. Afterward, Kayla believes that Jacob wants to skate with her, and he’s hinting for her help. She runs back to the rink and heads into the toilet. Maia is in the cubicle, and Kayla pretends she has partnered with Archie now while in conversation with Sky — Maia smiles, believing Archie is a brilliant skater, so she goes to speak to him but quickly learns that Archie isn’t good.

Hitting the ice

Kayla hits the ice with Jacob, and they dance together. Maia looks on, annoyed. After the dance, Jacob tells Kayla that she isn’t into winning competitions. Maia screams for Jacob, asking for more bonding time.

The ending

After a game, coach Anton Hammarstrom confronts Mac about what happened. He talks about a player who had tantrums and never made it. Anton Hammarstrom tells Mac never to disobey him again, or he’ll be back on a flight to Canada. As Kayla makes it home, it’s revealed she hid Jacob in her father’s car.

Zero Chill season 1, episode 3 shows Kayla trying to recover her figure skating life while her brother is getting cocky — the story is heating up slightly, but there’s no smoke yet.

Additional points
  • Ava learns that her mother is going to treat her after being harsh on her recently. She gives her a hired-out jump harness, and it turns out to be ice skating practice.

Netflix, TV Recaps
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