Law School episode 2 recap – there’s plenty of motives in this law drama

By Daniel Hart
Published: April 15, 2021
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Netflix k-drama series Law School episode 2


Episode 2 continues the “whodunit” storyline as it attempts to intrinsically link all the characters and bring forth a few motives. This series will keep audiences guessing.

This recap of the Netflix k-drama series Law School episode 2 contains spoilers.

There’s been a murder, and the series is feeding us little pieces of information to “who, why, where and when”. The first episode was a brilliant start, and the subsequent chapter ain’t too bad either.

Law School episode 2 opens in October 2010 — Kang Sol A is accused of hurting another student, but she defends herself, claiming she helped her sister. The authorities threaten to take her juvenile. She offers to apologise, but only if the victim says sorry as well. Prosecutor Yang tells the adults in the room that Kang Sol A cannot go to prison due to not apologising as that works against “human conscience”. He truly helped out the young Kang Sol A.

The first interview with Yang Jong-hoon

And then chapter two brings us back and provides a continuation to this intriguing murder case.

In the present day, Yang Jong-hoon is arrested for the murder of Professor Seo Byung-ju, and the media are all over it. In the station, the investigator tells Yang Jong-hoon that they have evidence that he planted meth in the man’s coffee and notes how they fell out over a bribery case. They are also suspicious that he booked a one-way flight to Boston — the investigator feels the murder is premeditated. The investigator wants to continue questioning, but Yang Jong-hoon “pleads the fifth”. Kim Eun-suk arrives, and she’s fretting that her colleague has been arrested. It’s all eyes on Yang Jong-hoon in chapter two.

At the University, the students state that Yang Jong-hoon that he’s innocent until proven guilty. The faculty and board are stressing with the media attention. Everybody is in panic mode — if their reputation is damaged, they’ll lose funding. There are questions on whether Yang Joon-hoon should be dismissed.

The police have more than they bargained for

Yong Jong-hoon’s incompetent attorney finally arrives, and the investigators have a ‘search and seize’ order for the prosecutor to unlock his phone with his fingerprint. They find he has a key interest in the Jurae-dong hit-and-run case and has video footage — in 2008; the prosecutor presses Lee Man-ho if he saw the car. Lee Man-ho wants to know what’s on offer if he remembers the licence plate. The police suddenly realise that Yong Jong-hoon is linking Seo Byung-ju to the crime. The plot keeps deepening with each scene.

Joon-hwi’s petition

Life must go on, and the students have to do their midterm exams. Flashbacks in March 2020 show there’s a petition that has caught the eye of the staff at the University — Han Joon-hwi put it up. They threaten to put legal action against him and tell him to get an attorney. In the present day, one of the exam questions lays out that scenario.

The petition is against the appointment of Professor Seo at school due to the land bribery. Privately, Han Joon-hwi tells his uncle, Seo, that he came to this school because he didn’t want to turn into him. He states he only got away with the land bribe because no one could prove anything. There’s a bitter relationship between the pair — it’s good versus bad.

Afterwards, Kang Sol A tells Han Joon-hwi to take the petition down as she’s worried about him. He refuses to take it down on his own accord.

Possible motive

In the investigation, Yong Jong-hoon is faced with Lee Man-ho. He thanks him for proving he wasn’t at the murder scene. Flashbacks show that Lee Man-ho saw the hit and run. In the present, he confirms the licence plate; he explains that Prosecutor Seo told him to take it to his grave. Lee Man-ho suggests Yang Joon-hoon had a motive to kill Prosecutor Seo over the hit-and-run incident.

At this stage, it’s not looking good for Yang Jong-hoon.

A bitter relationship with the uncle

In the police cell, Yang Jong-hoon still marks the student’s exams. A flashback shows Han Joon-hwi’s interview with the professor; he tells Yang Jong-hoon that he wants to show corrupt prosecutors how to abide by the law. In the present day, Han Joon-wi’s relationship with his aunt is completely broken — she wants him to sign a renunciation of inheritance between him and his uncle.

The mock trial against Han Joon-hwi

Back in March 2020, the students debate Han Joon-hwi’s petition against his uncle. Kang Sol A takes part in a mock trial, and she’s part of the prosecution; she struggles to have a case against Joon-hwi. Because of that, the school drops the case of defamation against Joon-hwi. It was clear Kang Sol A struggled to justify attacking Joon-hwi because she’s on his side.

One of the main weaknesses of Joon-hwi is she struggles to separate opinion and law.

Visiting Yong Jong-hoon

Kang Sol A and Joon-hwi visit Professor Yang Jong-hoon in prison. Joon-hwi says he was acquitted at the mock trial even though he was guilty. Joon-hwi then asks Yang Joon-jwi directly if he killed Professor Seo.

The ending

There’s a lot of commotion at the University, with the media intensifying their efforts regarding the murder of Professor Seo. Episode 2 flits to 2 pm, October 5, 2020 — the day of the murder; Professor Seo asks for a 30-minute break as he doesn’t feel right. Professor Kim Eun-suk tells him that he made Yang Jong-hoon leave the prosecution service, and she quit as a judge. There’s plenty of motives flying around in the story.

In the present, the investigator runs through the crime scene with Yang Jong-hoon; he claims he saw the professor with the meth and questioned him about it. The investigator reckons Professor Seo confessed about the hit-and-run and asked for forgiveness. Yang Jong-hoon tells the investigator to stop writing a novel and states he threw the meth in the bin and that professor Seo went into hypoglycemic shock, which is why he gave him coffee with sugar. He then proves that Professor Seo rolled down the stairs.

Yang Jong-hoon then looks at Joon-hwi and says, “it was you”. Flashbacks show the student shoving the professor down the stairs.

Law School episode 2 continues the “whodunit” storyline as it attempts to intrinsically link all the characters and bring forth a few motives. This series will keep audiences guessing.

Netflix, Weekly TV
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