Lupin season 2, episode 5 recap – the ending explained

By Daniel Hart - June 11, 2021 (Last updated: October 9, 2023)
Netflix series Lupin season 2, episode 5 - ending explained
By Daniel Hart - June 11, 2021 (Last updated: October 9, 2023)


The finale truly delivers, giving the audience an Assane masterclass.

This recap of Netflix’s Lupin season 2, episode 5 — ending explained — contains spoilers.

Read the recap of the previous episode.

Well, here we go folks — this is Assane’s last mission to get the justice he deserves, and we have to say, the finale delivers.

Episode 5 begins with Dumont assembling security at the theatre. They are preparing for a concert, and they are worried Assane will make an appearance. Hubert believes it’s the case of “when” Assane will turn up, not if. It’s great how they’ve used a theatre for the last hoorah, giving Assane the stage for the last episode.

Lucas Lacroix

It then flits to three weeks before the concert, and Assane and Benjamin have a drone in Hubert’s estate. They find a document that has Lucas Lacroix’s name on it. The scene flits to Lucas visiting Hubert about an investment, but he isn’t interested because no money has been made. Lucas is a wealth manager with fortunes and safe investments and has many personal details on his clients, including bank details. Benjamin and Assane find a way to get Lucas’s briefcase; Benjamin runs into the man and steals his briefcase, and Assane pretends to help the man. They get all the data they need from the briefcase.

Finding an accomplice

And then the real plotting begins for the exciting finale.

Assane tells Benjamin that they need an accomplice, mainly via an enthusiastic Lupin fan. They wait in the library in the section where the Lupin books are. Finally, they find someone; a young man who figures he is being spied on — he asks what they want. Assane and Benjamin smile, knowing they’ve found their guy. They dress up the young boy as a financial expert — the same expert who has been helping Hubert with his finances in previous episodes. He calls himself Courbet.

Getting Courbet in front of Hubert

Assane rings Lucas about broker Courbet trying to approach his clients and gives him a stark warning. Lucas then rings Hubert and warns him about the broker trying to approach his clients and be wary of him. He says his methods are questionable. Hubert’s ears perk up, believing he can make money.

Hubert invites Courbet for a meeting — the accomplice tells him he can diversify his portfolios. He’s extremely precise and says he likes making wealthy people wealthier and brings up the concert for his foundation.

Sneaking Assane into the concert

Back to the concert, and Courbet has arranged for Assane to be placed in one of the containers so he can get into the theatre. Courbet tells Dumont the boxes hold computers to take donations. He opens one of the boxes to prove they are only computers, so Dumont lets them off.

Guedira finds a connection

Guedira has a video of Dumont where he admits to framing Babakar. He shows it to Sofia and other colleagues. Guedira proves to colleagues that Dumont was in charge of Babakar’s case, and Leonard, Pellegrino, and Dumont are connected. Sofia states Dumont needs arresting regardless if he’s their boss.

Assane demands the truth off Hubert

Lupin season 2, episode 5, then sees Hubert get what he deserves, starting a thrilling sequence of scenes.

The concert begins, and Juliette opens the event and discusses donations for the children before introducing the orchestra. Donations are made via an app. Then, Assane heads to Hubert’s box and grabs him from behind with a knife. He demands the truth and wants to know if Hubert wants him killed. He admits it, but then Assane says he screwed up by framing him for Leonard’s murder — he asks who killed him. Hubert says, “Pascal Oblet.”

Assane then asks about his father — Hubert admits to hiring Babakar to frame him for the necklace for the insurance money and then sent Leonard to kill him. Hubert explains that no one will believe him, just like his father. Assane doesn’t kill him and runs away.

On the run

Hubert’s men chase after Assane as the orchestra below continues. Eventually, Assane is held at gunpoint at the top of the theatre stage. However, Assane puts the safety on the man’s gun and runs away again. Meanwhile, Benjamin goes above the stage. Dumont is made aware that Assane is in the building, so he orders the police to infiltrate the building.

Dumont is arrested

But the trickle-down of justice begins, starting with Dumont — everything comes together nicely in the finale.

Assane ends up in a fight with Oblet in the costume room — Assane wins and puts the unconscious man in a room out of sight. Dumont finds Assane and points a gun at him, but then Dumont is held at gunpoint by Guedira and his investigators. They tell him to drop his gun, and they arrest him. Sofia tries arresting Assane, but Guedira tells her to let him go.

Assane welcomes himself to the audience on stage

In the theatre control room, Courbet projects a photo behind the orchestra of Assane and his father. Assane walks on stage and welcomes himself to the audience. He explains that his father never stole the necklace and that Hubert falsely accused him. Assane also reveals Hubert’s other crimes. He then drops another bombshell that charity donations are embezzled. As the police officers head on stage, he says, “curtains,” and Benjamin hits a switch to turn the lights off, so there’s loads of confusion and panic, and everyone has to leave.

The voice memo

Benjamin and Courbet leave the theatre — Benjamin gives Courbet a diamond and explains the 9 million euros went to the foundation. Meanwhile, Assane is disguised as a fire protection officer, and he tells the police that the man they are looking for is on the roof. Suddenly, Guedira receives a voice note from Assane — it is Hubert confessing to framing Babakar, getting Leonard killed, and attempting to kill Assane — Assane recorded his confrontation with Hubert in the theatre.

The great escape

Assane leaves the theatre disguised and no one catching him, but then one of the officers as a hunch, and he’s chased through the city. Assane jumps on a speed boat on the river and drives off. He waves at the cops as he enjoys the water — this was a James Bond moment.

Raoul’s bridge

Meanwhile, Claire and Raoul hear a noise going off in their home and look to see where it’s coming from. Claire finds a device, and on it, the message says, “Raoul’s bridge.” Claire explains that’s the same bridge she and his father decided to name their son Raoul. Raoul wants to go, and Claire reluctantly joins. Meanwhile, Hubert and Dumont are arrested for their crimes.

The ending Lupin season 2, episode 5 

Assane meets Claire and Raoul on the bridge, and he tells them it is over. However, he admits that Claire is right, he causes too much trouble, and it’s all about him, so he’s going to leave for a while. Claire is devastated — she doesn’t want to lose him. Assane promises he will be back. The police arrive, so Assane runs away.

We can only assume Assane will go into hiding until things settle down and the police deal with the evidence appropriately; after all, he’s technically innocent of the crimes he’s charged for — if there is not a season 3, we’d imagine that the police would drop the cases against him. Episode 5 is a brilliant, smooth ending to season 2.

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