No One Gets Out Alive is without a doubt the strangest film released this year. Even when the credits roll, you’re none the wiser as to what the hell just happened. Saying that it’s thoroughly entertaining all the way through.
After the first watch of No One Gets Out Alive, it’s hard to explain exactly what has happened. It’s strange from start to finish with a lot of unanswered questions. If the purpose of the film is to leave its mark on the audience watching, it’s fulfilled its duty.
With a weird plot, effective scares, and brilliant shots of gore/horror, the film, which runs just under 90 minutes, is a well-made horror, and with the right audience, could go down as a classic for years to come.
One of the highlights of No One Gets Out Alive is the downcast outlook it provides on what immigrants have to endure just to secure a crappy job. That in itself could have been enough plot for a movie. But in No One Gets Out Alive, that section is just background for the lead character. But it works effectively in this film and avoids the cliches of audiences shouting, “just call the police.” In this case, there’s a valid reason for Ambar (Cristina Rodlo, as seen in Miss Bala, Too Old To Die Young, Halo) not to do so.
If there is any room for criticism, it is that characters such as Kinsi (Moronke Akinola) and the Portuguese woman from the opening scene aren’t seen again aside after their brief yet well-remembered scenes. A little bit of background, closure, or even karma wouldn’t have gone amiss.
The British horror film, based on the 2014 horror novel of the same name and written by Adam Nevill, won’t be to everyone’s taste.
Especially those who prefer their movies to have a much more well-rounded conclusion. But above all, No One Gets Out Alive helps prepare for the Halloween season.
P.S. The title for the film is very fitting too, but not necessarily in the sense that you would think.
Read More: No One Gets Out Alive Ending Explained