You season 3, episode 7 recap – “We’re All Mad Here”

By Jonathon Wilson - October 15, 2021 (Last updated: February 5, 2024)
Netflix You season 3, episode 7 - Were All Mad Here
By Jonathon Wilson - October 15, 2021 (Last updated: February 5, 2024)


It’s all building up as Joe and Marienne’s relationship goes to new levels while Joe does all he can to keep her safe from Love. But a particular secret that Dottie reveals may force Joe to up his game. Discoveries and the departure of a fan favorite may present the danger that Love could potentially bring.

This recap of Netflix’s You season 3, episode 7, “We’re All Mad Here,” contains spoilers.

Read the review of You season 3. 

You season 3, episode 7 recap

In order to keep Love happy and ensure that she doesn’t suspect that Joe is having an affair with Marienne, Joe needs to be a good husband, whilst Love tries to protect them both by having Theo attempt to find out what information Matthew has on them.

In the meantime, Marienne is having major problems with her ex Ryan after reopening custody. A problem for Marienne is now a problem for Joe. By means of stalking Ryan, Joe learns that Ryan trains for the “Asshole Olympics” whilst barely spending any time with Juliette and instead, leaves her in the care of his mother. With a clear obsession with fitness, Joe believes that Ryan’s sobriety is hanging by a thread.

From father of the year to mother of the year, Dottie, who is now in the midst of getting a divorce, may lose her wine vineyard. Working against Ryan, Joe aims to plants drugs in Ryan’s system, but in the process, he finds nude photos of Marienne. But to prevent knowledge that he was in Ryan’s flat, Joe is forced to leave the photos where he found them.

With Joe and Love’s sex life at an all-time low, Joe realizes that Love is becoming unpredictable. Not only that, but Love, once again, has sex with Theo. Uncovering the reason their marriage is suffering is that Joe neglects Love, he buys her a gift and plans to keep Love happy, for now.

During a fancy event, Love meets Marienne just as Ryan turns up, much to Joe’s surprise. But thanks to Dante (Ben Mehl), Joe learns that Ryan never went full sober and still doses himself through the protein shakes. Hence why Joe’s plan failed. Dottie meanwhile, goes a little crazy. She takes Henry away from the babysitter, burns the vineyard down, and gets herself arrested. But as she’s a rich white lady, she has a lawyer that will get her into rehab instead of prison.

The ending

Regardless, Love is understandably furious. She tells Dottie that she doesn’t want to see her again, nor does she want Dottie to see Henry again. As a result, Joe drives Dottie (or Medusa-in-law, as he would say) to rehab. But in one last act of spite towards Love, Dottie tells Joe that Love killed her first husband, James, as she has no loyalty to anyone but herself.

“We’re All Mad Here” concludes with Love telling Joe about Sherry’s suggestion of an open marriage arrangement. They’re unaware that Matthew is stalking them on the CCTV Cameras.

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