The Afterparty season 1, episode 4 recap – “Chelsea”

By Jonathon Wilson
Published: February 4, 2022
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Apple TV+ series The Afterparty season 1, episode 4 - Chelsea


A fun episode with elements of horror throughout. The revenge story is great, and Ilana Glazer is, as expected, fabulous taking the lead role. The mystery continues as to who murdered Xavier!

This recap of Apple TV+ series The Afterparty season 1, episode 4, “Chelsea,” contains spoilers.

Read the recap of the previous episode. 

The Afterparty season 1, episode 4 recap

As Jennifer #2 is missing, the search is on! Almost. In the fourth episode of The Afterparty, Chelsea takes center focus, and there’s little emphasis on the missing Jennifer. After Chelsea’s drink container was found beside Xavier’s body in episode 3, Chelsea becomes the main suspect!

As Aniq sneaks into the bathroom to listen, Chelsea reveals to Detective Danner that before a St Patrick’s party, where Xavier humiliated her, she was the class president with a bright future. After the said event, Chelsea claims that Xavier made her friends turn on her, and as such, she became the crazy alcoholic seen in the previous episodes. 

Chelsea’s reasons for attending the reunion? Revenge! But it’s not straightforward as she receives a text, “come tonight, and there will be trouble”. And so, Chelsea speculates whether she’s the hunter or the hunted. During the reunion, a bombshell gets dropped! Brett had an affair with Chelsea, which ended three months ago; and Aniq happens to overhear Chelsea as she tells all to Detective Danner.

Back to the reunion, Chelsea continues to receive messages from an unknown person, although it seems likely that whoever they are they are also at the reunion. Before long, Chelsea firsts Xavier for the first time in years. Their encounter gets cut short, though, when Ned interrupts with a request for an impression from Xavier, which is bad for Chelsea, as for her plan to succeed she needs Xavier alone. 

As someone follows Chelsea, she receives more texts. When she calls the number, she is unable to get through. Chelsea is also eager to speak to Zoe alone. So Chelsea “spills” her drink on Aniq, although Zoe has very little to say to Chelsea (can’t exactly blame her). 

In the car park, Chelsea learns that her “stalker” was none other than Walt. He wanted to return her car keys after she dropped them. With that question answered, Chelsea travels with Yasper (and Aniq after he gets hit by the car) to the afterparty. But whilst on their way, Chelsea receives yet another text, “don’t come to the afterparty”. During the trip, Aniq drinks some of Chelsea’s alcohol from one of her drink containers, and it’s revealed to be cat tranquilizer. And that explains why Aniq gets into such a state at the afterparty! #CatRoofied

The reason for the cat tranquilizer is because Chelsea’s revenge plan is to roofie Xavier, get him naked, take pictures, and send those images to TMZ. Upon seeing the state that Aniq is in, Chelsea writes “I’m sorry” on his hand. 

As Chelsea feels that her plan for revenge is a failure, Yasper convinces her to stay. Although when it comes to it, she doesn’t go through with it. Instead, Chelsea tells Xavier that she doesn’t want his weak apology as he is an “arsehole and douche”. Finally getting closure over Xavier, Chelsea speaks with Zoe. She apologizes for having an affair with Brett, and they make remarks over Brett’s lack of skill in the sack. Ouch!

The ending

With Chelsea’s version of events bringing the fourth episode of The Afterparty to the moment that Xavier died, Chelsea tells Detective Danner that the text messages stopped when Xavier died. But apparently, there was no phone on Xavier’s body which suggests he wasn’t sending the texts. As Detective Danner notices Chelsea claim “Xavier did this to Aniq again”, Detective Danner demands to see Aniq. And it looks like Aniq is the main suspect! (Again).

What did you think of Apple TV+’s The Afterparty season 1, episode 4? Comment below.

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