Inventing Anna season 1, episode 7 recap – “Cash on Delivery”

By M.N. Miller - February 11, 2022
Netflix Inventing Anna season 1, episode 7 - Cash on Delivery
By M.N. Miller - February 11, 2022


“Cash on Delivery” is an exciting episode that focuses on how Vivian rushes the deadline on publishing her story, delivering her baby, and how Anna goes on the run.

This recap of Netflix’s Inventing Anna season 1, episode 7, “Cash on Delivery,” contains spoilers.

Read the review of season 1.

Inventing Anna season 1, episode 7 recap

Vivian lies to Paul and says the story is almost done, and her baby is due in three weeks when it is two. The Scriberia crew tells Anna to write the story and find Anna. There is just one problem when they find Rachel. They now know why she never returned Vivian’s phone calls.

She is selling her story to Vanity Fair.

Rachel gets back into town and calls Anna, leaving a voicemail asking her for the money. When she gets back to work, she sees Noah. Rachel scrambles, calling Anna to pay off her credit card bill. Days, weeks and months go by before, finally, she sends her money to her Paypal account. However, only 5000 dollars, and she still needs the rest. When one of the financial officers at the office finds the issue, she fesses up and they beg her to get ahead of it by telling her boss and letting the legal team handle it. But no, Rachel says! She will not turn in a poor immigrant during Trump’s terror on America!

Oh, boy.

This causes the gang to start an intervention. Kacy and Rachel confront her, and Anna gaslights Rachel as a bad friend. Anna can’t take it and needs a moment in the bathroom. The last time they see her, she runs out of the front of the restaurant and jumps into a cab.

Her company catches Rachel, and they threaten legal action, along with an investigation. This is after the police laugh at her for even trying to report the crime of fraud when she offered her card in the first place. When Vanity Fair tries to suspend her without pay, she brings legal knowledge to the meeting because they didn’t provide her legal council. Rachel is done being a punching bag.

Vivian is ordered on bed rest because she will be in labor in two days. This causes a problem since she needs to publish her piece before having her child. So, Vivian and the Scriberia teamwork 15 hour days to finish the work. Except now, Kacy wants to be wholly taken out of the story, leaving only Anna’s side and no other first-hand accounts of substance that corroborate the story of what happened in Morrocco.

Somehow, she convinces her husband that it is good to keep working on the piece. It’s good when she finally finishes it, and everyone agrees, even Paul. The problem is legal say they need Kacy’s approval to put her back in the story. The other is Vivian’s water has now broken, and she goes into labor.

The ending

Anna checks all her online bank accounts, all in red. Anna then doesn’t show up for her hearing, and the judge issues a bench warrant. Why? Because she goes to cash several fraudulent deposits. And, the next day, she makes the withdrawals. Anna then jumps on a plane to Los Angeles, and Rachel walks into the U.S. Attorney’s office to file a complaint against Anna as a woman.

Back to the present day, Vivian is in labor. She desperately pleads for Kacy to be identified in the story. She says no names but can be identified as the trainer. They bus her to the hospital so she can have her child.

The final scene has Vivian’s story on Anna printing and coming hot off the presses.

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You can watch Inventing Anna with a subscription to the streaming service.

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