Space Force season 2, episode 3 recap – “The Chinese Delegation”

By M.N. Miller - February 18, 2022
Netflix Space Force season 2, episode 3 - The Chinese Delegation
By M.N. Miller - February 18, 2022


“The Chinese Delegation” is an underperforming episode that lacks a healthy bite.

This recap of Netflix’s Space Force season 2, episode 3, “The Chinese Delegation,” contains spoilers.

Space Force season 2, episode 3 recap

General Mark Naird (Steve Carell) and his felon wife, Maggie (Lisa Kudrow), have a parent/guidance counselor meeting with Erin (Diana Silvers). It turns out her grades will barely get her into a community college and a good trade school. Cement is really in now, she tells Mark, Erin, and Maggie. To be continued.

The Secretary (Tim Meadows) has a conference call with the Space Force team. The pressure is on General Naird to land the ship. They plan for Dr. Kaigang (Jimmy O. Yang) and Tony (Ben Schwartz) to teach Mark how to handle the Chinese delegation properly. They come up with a plan. Tony and Chan want him to bring his daughter, Erin. This shows them he is a family man. Dr. Mallory (John Malkovich) will invite one of the original Appollo astronauts to treat elder statements with such great respect. Finally, General Gregory is going to call Lance Armstrong. Why? We do not know. General Naird orders them to stop him immediately. 

General Naird meets the delegation as they leave the plane. General Gao introduces his family, including his ten-year-old son, who has already skipped two grades. To that, Erin replies, “I also have skipped classes.” Dr. Mallory attempts to fight with China’s chief scientist, Dr. Zhang (Richard Ouyang). Meanwhile, Chan has to look on with Tony, as Captain Angela Ali (Tawny Newsome) is excited to meet that tall and handsome Chinese astronaut she has not seen since the moon, Dr. Lim. Chan could not help but look concerned as he still had no read on their situation.

During the dinner, Angela confesses to Dr. Lim that everything that happened on the moon has affected her. She talks about how they ate the bird (oh!) and had to drink their urine. Dr. Lim tells her they had six parades for them as national heroes. Angela laments the “bullshit” propaganda of their mission. Dr. Lim leaves to mingle with the other party guests during dinner. The “Drummer Moon Girl” beings to drink more while Tony digs. Dr. Lim is also an athlete, and he is going to try and steal Angela from Chan. 

The ending

After Dr. Zhang and Dr. Mallory have a metaphorical pissing contest with General Gao trying to leave, Mark convinces him to stay. General Gao has them grab a drink, but his real plan is to get the American so drunk he will agree with anything. The scene turns into a conversation about their families. This allows Naird to propose they split everything, the Sea of Tranquility and the resources discovered there, down the middle. The episode ends with Erin proud of her father for striking a deal with the world aligned against him.

What did you think of Netflix’s Space Force season 2, episode 3? Let us know in the comments below!

You can watch the second season of Space Force with a subscription to the streaming service.

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