Netflix’s Top Boy season 2, episode 6 recap – “De Capa y Espada”

By Jonathon Wilson
Published: March 18, 2022
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Netflix's Top Boy season 2, episode 6 recap - "De Capa y Espada"


“De Capa y Espada” sees several major developments occur in both London and Spain, while a particular killer (and their motive) are finally revealed.

This recap of Netflix’s Top Boy season 2, episode 6, “De Capa y Espada”, contains spoilers.

In all the chaos of the previous episode, it was easy to forget that there is an important matter that still hasn’t been resolved yet — who killed Ats, and why? Well, “De Capa y Espada” has some answers in that regard since it opens with Jaq finally confronting Keziah, the girl from the CCTV footage. Sobbing and petrified, she confesses that some guy named Dexter paid her to befriend Ats and ensure he got in the car. Dexter has a lock-up in Bow, and Dushane sends some goons there to wait for him since he understandably would like to speak to him face to face. While we wait for him to arrive, though, there are lots of other things to be getting on with.

Netflix’s Top Boy season 2, episode 6 recap

For instance, Jamie is living the high life in Spain. But he’s thrown for a loop when Sully shows up. It looks like Dushane saving him from Cyprus and Khadeem has inspired Sully to do his old mate a favor in return, so he has come to sort things out. There’s also no love lost between him and Jamie, who he threatens to bury out there if he so much as looks at him wrong. In the span of a single scene, Jamie has gone from having the upper hand to being in quite the predicament, especially since Sully intends to meet with Juan and take Jamie with him.

It also becomes clear that Curtis isn’t planning on letting Lauryn elude him for long. He calls Jaq from Lauryn’s phone inquiring about her whereabouts, and while Jaq knows full well she’s currently hiding out at Becks’ house, much to Becks’ obvious displeasure, she plays coy. With little to go on but no intention of believing that Lauryn has left him, Curtis reserves two grease guns — wartime submachine guns with a vintage appeal — from a sale of seven. Whatever he wants to use them for, it probably isn’t good.

Meanwhile, Dushane attends Ruben’s bail hearing, where he discovers that Lee and Sarah were undercover the whole time, and is told by Wilson Lee, the solicitor working for him, that Ruben might intend to rat him out. It’s only the beginning of the bad news that Dushane receives in this episode. His brother later calls him to tell him that their mother is in hospital, gravely ill, and he isn’t able to get any answers about Ats’s death because of Kit.

Let’s talk about that last point. So, after waiting for a while, the yellow car from the video turns up at the Bow lock-up. Kit wants to confirm it’s the right guy, or so he claims, but he really wants to talk with him since he was in on the whole thing from the beginning. He instructed Dexter to scare Ats and rough him up a bit, but Dexter took it too far and killed him, he claims in self-defense. When Dushane’s arrival makes it clear that Kit won’t tell him the truth, Dexter tries to flee, and Kit shoots him and stoves his head in with a tire iron to cover up his own involvement. It’s a desperate move, and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Dushane.

“De Capa y Espada” makes some time for Stef and Tia, who have a close call when one of Tia’s sisters takes an overdose, and it also clues us in on why Beverly is extorting Shelley. After Mandy interrupts her latest attempts at blackmail, she talks with Shelley about it afterward, and she confesses that she and her ex used to be friends with Bev and her boyfriend, Ryan. Shelley used to hold drugs and money for them sometimes. On the day she found out she was pregnant with Tish, Bev and Ryan came to celebrate. An argument broke out, and in the resulting fight, Shelley’s ex accidentally killed Ryan. They all buried him to cover up his death, and now Bev is threatening to reveal all unless Shelley buys her silence. If the body is dug up, Shelley’s DNA will tie her to it. She refuses to get Dushane involved and plans to pay Bev, but Mandy warns her that if she pays now, she’ll never stop. Luckily, this is just the kind of situation that Mandy is accustomed to, and she already owes Shelley a favor as it is.

But more on that in the next episode. This one ends out in Spain, with Sully, Jamie, and Emilio going to meet Juan and a couple of his goons. Sully is apparently willing to accept Juan’s terms on behalf of him and Dushane, and he’s even willing to sweeten the deal with a tin of buns and treats, which Juan is apparently partial to. What he’s not partial to, though, is the gun Sully has strapped under the tin. He shoots Juan’s men and Juan himself, though Emilio finishes him off — for Antonio, obviously. The bad news for Jamie is that before his death, Juan happened to mention his “big plans”. If Sully wasn’t suspicious of him before, he certainly is now.

“De Capa y Espada”, which in the previous scene we learned means “cloak and dagger”, ends with Emilio slipping into bed with his wife, who asks him about her brother. She might have wanted Emilio out of the underworld life, but she was obviously willing to make an exception just this once.

You can stream Netflix’s Top Boy season 2, episode 6, “De Capa y Espada”, exclusively on Netflix.

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