Minx season 1, episode 5 recap – “Just relaying news about a wayward snake”

By Ricky Valero - March 31, 2022 (Last updated: December 4, 2024)
Minx season 1, episode 5 recap - "Just relaying news about a wayward snake"
By Ricky Valero - March 31, 2022 (Last updated: December 4, 2024)


Jake Johnson delivers some of his best work yet as Minx continues to shine as each episode passes.

This recap of Minx season 1, episode 5, “Just relaying news about a wayward snake”, contains spoilers.

After a whirlwind of events between Joyce and Shane, the print of Minx has arrived. The pair had a falling out while Doug tried to figure out where a missing 100 grand went too. Does Joyce find out about the money problems? Does Doug figure out where the money went?

We find out that the mob is involved in delivering Doug’s magazines. Unfortunately, one of the heads of the mob didn’t like one of the advertisements within the first copy of Minx, so Doug and the team of Bottom Dollar had to tear open each magazine and take it out of them.

“Joyce, you are there to kiss the ring.” — Doug

After much deliberation, Doug decides to bring Joyce with him to talk about the magazine. Joyce has pissed off the mob with not only the magazine but talking her workers into the idea of what Oshea is. So they arrive at Vince’s house to attempt to talk him off the ledge. But, like when they went to the golf course, Joyce is pushed to do “women” things as Doug talks with the men to rectify things.

In a moment where it looked like Doug would falter, Doug steps up to the plate and knocks it out of the park. He ignites a passionate conversation between him and the head of the Mob, Vince. Jake Johnson delivers some of the best work on this show yet here. The way he understands that he is not only fighting for his life but his career and the people he employs. Johnson delivers here, not with the typical wit and charm we see from him, but with conviction in a moment of being terrified. Incredible scene.

As Doug knocks it out of the ballpark with Vince, Joyce vents her frustration about the business with the mob wives.

After Doug wins over Vince, they get all the magazines back on the truck BUT Minx. At this moment, Joyce tries to let Doug know that she talked to the ladies and explained her idea behind the birth control article, but Joyce suddenly realizes how to handle Doug moving forward by just letting him talk.

As the show is winding down, Doug lets Tina know how much he appreciates her (I believe Tina might not be so innocent) and in the middle of talking, he gets a call and Minx is back on the truck. We see Joyce walks into his office, she lets Doug take all the credit and simply walks away with a smile on her face. As she does this, we pan to Doug with a bewildered look on his face as he knows Joyce is up to no good.

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