Who died in The Lincoln Lawyer season 1?

By M.N. Miller - May 13, 2022 (Last updated: September 27, 2024)
Who died in The Lincoln Lawyer season 1 - Netflix series
By M.N. Miller - May 13, 2022 (Last updated: September 27, 2024)

This article, “Who died in The Lincoln Lawyer season 1,” contains spoilers regarding the Netflix series.

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Michael Connelly is known for creating main characters who always pursue the truth, especially when it comes to solving the murder of someone innocent or in the game. The first is Harry Bosch. It was Amazon Prime’s first real streaming hit, Bosch, and now has a spinoff series, Bosch: Legacy.

Now, Netflix is dipping its toe into the Connelly universe. The Lincoln Lawyer is about defense attorney Mickey Haller. He is a man who was taught he can live with defending and even setting free the guilty but cannot live with putting an innocent behind bars for murder. Here is a list of character deaths, including the first three that set the story in motion.

Who died in Netflix’s The Lincoln Lawyer season 1?

Laura Elliott and Jan RIlz

Laura Elliott is the dead wife of Trevor Elliott, the owner and operator of a billion-dollar gaming company. She is found dead and naked as the day she was born, along with her lover, a yoga instructor (is there another kind?) named Jan Rilz. Where? In the Elliott home where Trevor found them. Trevor is arrested for their murder, but he is acquitted. Mickey Haller later proves that Trevor was behind the murders because he feared his wife would divorce him and take everything. We only see these characters as corpses, except for video footage or gaming scenes where Trevor created his hit character based on his wife.

Jerry Vincent

Jerry Vincent was the defense attorney for Trevor Elliott, a billion-dollar gaming company owner and operator. Mickey Haller takes over the case, and he is led to believe a ruthless Russian mobster was behind the hit. However, Haller later proves that Judge Holder hired a man named McSweeney to kill him to cover up the bribe she took for arranging a jury pool to free Trevor from his murder trial.

David (Soto Witness)

In a side story, Haller’s ex-wife, Maggie, has a case against a sex trafficker named Soto. Her only witness is killed. This puts a significant dent in her case. This story is tied in because of a connection to a past Mickey Haller case. One that can damage their relationship.

Bruce Carlin

Bruce Carlin was the private investigator for the deceased Jerry Vincent. The police and Haller’s team are hunting him to see what he knows about Jerry’s caseload and why anyone would want him dead. When the cops pull him over, he gets out of the car and raises his hands. He backs into oncoming traffic and is struck by a soccer mom on her cell phone.

McSweeney (Juror #7)

This man was prepped by Judge Holder and her defense attorney husband to avoid being preemptively relieved of jury duties from the defense and the prosecution. He skipped town when Mickey sent an anonymous letter to Judge Stanton that he was not the man he claimed to be. Later, he tries to kill Mickey but falls to his death. How? Right before he would toss Haller down a canyon, the cops show up, he raises his hands in surrender, and Mickey kicks him in the stomach. He stumbled backward, and the rest is history.

And there you go — a complete list of who died in The Lincoln Lawyer season 1.

You can watch this series with a subscription to Netflix.

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