A League of Their Own Season 1 Episode 6 Recap – “Stealing Home”

By M.N. Miller - August 12, 2022 (Last updated: February 2, 2024)
A League of Their Own Season 1 Episode 6 Recap
A League of Their Own Season 1 Image (Credit to Amazon Prime Video)
By M.N. Miller - August 12, 2022 (Last updated: February 2, 2024)


“Stealing Home” is A League of Their Own’s best episode so far. Bold, funny, and daring storytelling.

In A League of Their Own Season 1 Episode 6 Carson and the girls go to see a little movie with shiny shoes, a red-headed girl, and her little dog, but are given some unwelcome news. The league owner plans to have the female teams playing in the major league stadiums next year because the war will continue.

The representative, however, Mr. Baker wants to make sure the two top teams playing in the championship have the best players to make certain the rosters are in the best shape. That means trading some Rockford Peaches to the Blue Sox or the Comets. Shirley tells Carson the math. They must win all 18 games to end the season if they want to finish in the top two places.

A League of Their Own Season 1 Episode 6 Recap

Max and Clance worked extra hours at the factory, and instead of getting extra pay, their paychecks included a note thanking them for volunteering. Max and Bertie become closer, and they go bowling together. Bertie, his pronouns are he/him. He is respected and tells Max the cut of his suit represents power. Bertie later stops by Clance’s home, introduces himself to her best friend, and tells his niece he made her something. However, Max is embarrassed that Bertie came by her friend’s house. Max tells Bertie that she is not like him. He is insulted and walks away. Clance walks up to comfort her and, to soothe her best friends, tells her it must not be easy because her aunt is a “freak.”

Lady Luck is on the side of the peaches on the field as they bunt their way to victory (and all those opposing team’s errors). However, Carson sees Lupe rubbing shoulders with the opposing team after the game, and now they think she may want to get traded so she can pitch in the playoffs. Carson then overhears their “team mom,” Beverly and Lupe talking. Their star pitcher is begging her to let her switch because she cannot take it anymore. Lupe sneaks out, and Carson follows her into a shady building that has an office for accounting with a guy at his desk working very odd hours. It’s all a front, you see. This is a speakeasy of sorts. A bar for members of the LGBTQ+ community to gather, drink, and enjoy life.

Lupe is there with the opposing pitcher. She was not trying to get traded. Jess is also there. The joke is Carson keeps yelling at Lupe about wanting to change teams — baseball, that is. While Lupe thinks she will turn her on for playing for the other team. In this case, she thought she was talking about her sexual orientation. That’s when Jess approaches and asks Carson to look around. The Rockford Peaches manager finally gets it. Jess then tells Lupe that Carson is gay. How did she find out? Jess tells her that she saw Carson fall asleep in her roommate’s bed one night. Lupe is flabbergasted and hilariously cannot understand the height difference and asks who does what.

Jess estimates that almost 35% of the league are gay. She lets Carson in on a little secret. They are ball players, and they are immensely popular. A pair of twins approaches the table, with their sights on Jess and Lupe. To increase her odds of getting laid, Lupe tells the girls that Carson is married and taken, but she is as “free as a foul ball.”

A League of Their Own Season 1 Episode 6 Ending

The episode ends with revelations of lives going in different directions. The team cannot find Esti, so Lupe and Jess go to locate her because she is depressed and homesick. We then have the Maxine and Carson storylines. The team is spending more time at the secret bar, with Jo dancing with a new woman and Greta/Carso slowly dancing the night away. As Carson asks if she goes back to California with Greta, the police storm the speakeasy. Many escape. Some do not and are beaten. Greta and Carson escape into the movie theatre next door as Dorothy says, “There’s no place like home.” Greta then says we should have never gone there.

Maxine puts on the gift from Bertie, which is a custom suit. She puts it on and heads over to a gathering her aunt is hosting. She understands Bertie and ends up meeting a lovely woman she dances with and kisses.

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