Cobra Kai season 5 – what happens with Tory and Robby’s relationship?

By Adam Lock
Published: September 9, 2022 (Last updated: February 5, 2024)
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This article, “what happens with Tory and Robby’s relationship,” contains spoilers regarding Netflix’s Cobra Kai season 5.

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If Sam and Miguel are the central couple of Miyagi-Do, then Tory and Robby are Cobra Kai’s equivalent. Yet in season five, Robby leaves Cobra Kai and Tory has strong reservations about the dojo herself. Students are slowly realizing that Terry Silver and his ruthless techniques may not be the healthiest way forwards. Tory and Robby’s conflicted views on Cobra Kai put their relationship in jeopardy. So, what exactly happens with their relationship and do they end the season together?

Cobra Kai season 5 – what happens with Tory and Robby’s relationship?

At the start of season five, Robby is on a road trip in Mexico with his father Johnny. Secretly, Johnny is searching for Miguel, who has ran away from home, hunting for his own father. Robby has been tricked into helping search for Miguel, who he detests. Robby and Johnny bond over this trip and Robby matures a great deal in a short period of time. It takes a while, but he eventually reconciles with Miguel and they become good friends. If only his relationship with Tory could go as well.

Tory is in a tricky predicament. She is training with Cobra Kai and has become their lead female fighter, after winning the All Valley Tournament last season. Her fighting is going from strength to strength, yet she knows Terry’s sinful methods and is aware that he cheated in the final. Later, we find out that Tory is working with Kreese and is practically a mole within Cobra Kai, hoping to bring them down from within.

Robby and Tory reconnect at the water park, where they state that they’ve missed one another. Although, as the day wears on, the opposing teams argue more until both dojos are kicked out of the park. Robby and Tory argue and break up later that day. Robby believes Tory is being brainwashed and wants her to leave Cobra Kai, but she continues to defend them and secretly she knows she can’t leave.

The couple work together once again to help bring down Terry Silver in the finale. Tory supplies the incriminating footage, while Robby destroys Cobra Kai’s CCTV cameras and then helps defend the gang against the ensuing Cobra Kai students. After Terry’s arrest, the couple put aside their differences and apologize to one another, with the couple kissing once again. Eventually Tory and Robby saw the errors of their ways and made the right decisions, which helped bring the couple back together.

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