Gutsy season 1 review – an interesting journey?

By Jonathon Wilson
Published: September 9, 2022 (Last updated: September 12, 2022)
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Gutsy season 1 review - an interesting journey?


Overall, a decent enough watch that will please some people. It features a nice journey between Hillary and her daughter Chelsea. But unfortunately, releasing the series the same day as Disney+’s Growing Up means it doesn’t make the mark that it maybe should have done.

This review of the Apple TV+ series Gutsy season 1 does not contain any spoilers or any major reveals.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea embark on a thought-provoking journey to speak with pioneering women artists, activists, community leaders, and everyday heroes.” This is the premise of Apple TV+’s Gutsy, a deliberately less contentious use of a divisive political figure. As I am no expert on American politics, I won’t be reviewing the show in regard to any of its political implications. Instead, I’ll be reviewing the show on its format, entertainment, and suitability as a human-interest series.

Overall, Gutsy has a very nice format, and it’s interesting to see some of the stories that Hillary and her daughter, Chelsea, have to share. The skirt story is one that will stick in viewers’ minds. It’s horrifying to think that just because Hillary was wearing a skirt, some je*k thought it was acceptable to take a photograph in between her legs. And this is just one of the many issues that the show manages to direct the audience towards, working in the intersections of politics, public life, and perceptions of women.

Likely, though, what could draw the audience towards the show is the list of big names attached. Along the way, we meet Kim Kardashian, Megan Thee Stallion, Amy Schumer, and many more. While they’re big names, and that can not be argued against, are they really among some of the “world’s boldest and bravest women”? After watching Disney+’s Growing Up, I’d say no. Growing Up features a host of emotional and tragic stories that sadly don’t appear in Gutsy. This conflation of popularity with boldness and bravery will potentially rub people the wrong way and leaves the human-interest stories feeling more facile than those in the aforementioned Disney+ offering.

There are eight episodes in total, with each title starting with “Gutsy Women…”. And each episode is around the 40-minute mark. For some, I’m sure that there won’t be anything worse than watching Gutsy for the reasons stated above. However, as a whole, the format is interesting enough. It may not be the most original show ever to grace our screens, yet there are plenty of intriguing stories to come from it. Most importantly, it’s entertaining enough to warrant a watch!

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