Tulsa King season 1, episode 6 recap – who dies in “Stable”?

By M.N. Miller - December 18, 2022 (Last updated: September 27, 2024)
By M.N. Miller - December 18, 2022 (Last updated: September 27, 2024)


This is an unusually timid outing for Tulsa King, with “Stable” being merely an extension of the previous episode. I would like to see the show give more time to the talented Garrett Hedlund, who seems to be pigeonholed in a thankless supporting role. However, Stallone still owns every scene he’s in, and the outing is entertaining.

We recap the Paramount + series Tulsa King season 1, episode 6, “Stable,” which contains spoilers.

The last time we saw Dwight (Sylvester Stallone), he was kicking the head of a guy aptly named “The Package” because he sexually abused his underage daughter while he was in prison. With his cronies that are permanently one short, Chickie (Domenick Lombardozzi) begs his father to take out his old friend and even Dwight’s daughter. (Yeah, he’s that kind of guy). Pete (A.C. Peterson), who is no angel, stands up and slaps his son, telling him he’s not half the man Dwight is. That may be true, he says, but how much more disrespect do they have to take?

More, Chickie. A lot more.

This is an unusually timid outing for Tulsa King, with episode 6 being merely an extension of the previous episode. I would like to see the show give more time to the talented Garrett Hedlund, who seems to be pigeonholed in a thankless supporting role. However, Stallone still owns every scene he’s in, and the outing is entertaining.

Tulsa King season 1, episode 6 recap

Stacey and her partner at the ATF have a mole in Waltrip’s crew. The thirty-something redhead at the horse farm warned Armand to be careful around The Black McAdams. She has information on a new Italian mafioso running around town. Stacey immediately tries to get her back on point about the biker gang, but her partner is hooked. His name is Dwight, she says, and Stacey’s partner is now going to report this to the FBI. When he hits the head, our favorite Dwight hook-up and ATF agent attempts to get their mole back on point, but the little wise-ass points out she can smell the vodka all over her. Stacey has a problem.

I’m not sure what is going through Stacey’s head, but she has the worst judgment possible. She contacts Dwight after he gets home and tells him there are wiretaps of talk about something going down between Nico and his daughter. She also takes notice of the scrapes on his hands. The ATF agent also tells him to stop whatever he is doing with Waltrip. And mostly because she is two years away from her full federal pension.

A few scenes later, the FBI raids Bodhi’s home and business, and they find a safe in the back. It’s empty. How? Because Stacey gave Dwight a tip, he grabbed all Bodhi’s stuff. He never told him because he wanted to see if he was a standup guy. After all, he knew they visited Bodhi. So, our New York friend wonders whether Bodhi flipped on Dwight? And he did. Bodhi told them Dwight was his business partner.

At the same time, Dwight has a sitdown with Waltrip. It goes the way you would think. Dwight tells him off, and he has Mitch by his side. Later, Waltrip talks to his number two, Groom, and goes over their plan for Manfredi. That’s when the red-headed mole comes in, asking too many questions. This is Groom’s girl, and Waltrip tells him she must learn manners.

Ending Explained 

Three exciting things happen at the end of this episode. First, Dwight refuses to get Stacey out of a jam by ratting Waltrip out to the cops. She has suicidal tendencies and an ominous cloud over her head. Second, Dwight’s son-in-law is attacked by Chickie outside his apartment building. He even breaks his arm. Finally, while in Mitch’s bar, Groom begins to fire off countless rifle shots into the establishment. Dwight and Mitch go around back, surprise Groom with a right flank, and shoot him multiple times in the chest.

At that point, Mitch turns to Dwight and agrees for him to be his business partner.

What did you think of Tulsa King season 1, episode 6? Comment below.

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