The Law According to Lidia Poët Season 1 Review – sweet, addictive but short

By Daniel Hart - February 16, 2023 (Last updated: December 4, 2024)
By Daniel Hart - February 16, 2023 (Last updated: December 4, 2024)


The series is short and sweet. Easily alluring, six episodes feel too short for such a brilliant story.

We review the 2023 Netflix series The Law According to Lidia Poët Season 1, which contains no significant spoilers.

There’s a reason why rumors circulate that Netflix have considered opting for limited series rather than multi-season stories. Since the record-breaking The Queen’s Gambit, there’s a claim to be made that audiences resonate with certain, conclusive TV shows.

And like the chess-wielding series, The Law According to Lidia Poët has as much charm and charisma with its lead character (played by the infectious Matilda De Angelis) as Anya Taylor-Joy’s Beth Harmon

The Law According to Lidia Poët Season 1 Review and Plot Summary

Based on a true story, the Netflix series details the life of Lidia Poët, the first modern female Italian lawyer. 

That statement above alone makes for curious viewing. The Netflix series affirms the resistance Lidia Poët was confronted with in the first chapter.

The opening scenes see Lidia enjoying raunchy steamy sex, but then, she’s soon assigned a case of a presumed guilty man on a murder case. Viewers will ask, why the sex scene? It could be argued that the sex scene, followed by the world of law, is a testament to how seriously Lidia embraced being a lawyer during an oppressive period. There’s an insistence that Lidia was ahead of her time as a woman working in legal services. 

We’ve seen social and progressive issues splashed on our screens repeatedly, but, ironically, it’s not those themes that make this Netflix series land well. Matilda De Angelis charms the audience with quick wit, fierceness, and determination. This is coupled with the lead actress’s emotional and vulnerable capacity. It’s easy to care for her. To sympathize with her potential plight in a time when women were not deemed viable for professional careers, especially a lawyer.

That’s the crux of the story in The Law According to Lidia Poët. She is situated in a period where men disagree with her ambitions. In the opening chapter, her inscription on the legal roll did not please higher acquaintances in her field, and our character has to desperately support legal matters via her brother. The narrative sees Lidia Poët attempting to overturn the decision to forbid her from practicing law in an unforgiving time. 

The series is short and sweet. Effortlessly alluring, six episodes feel too short for such a brilliant story. The Law According to Lidia Poët enjoys the period it resides in without overindulging, adding in modernities without compromising the story. This is a little gem from costumes to settings and downright superb acting by the cast. Like The Queen’s Gambit, I wanted more. 

Is The Law According to Lidia Poët worth watching?

The limited series is a crowd-pleaser. Blending historical events, and creative flair, with an outstanding leading woman, The Law According to Lidia Poët deserves all the viewers it gets. 

The argument that Netflix should solely focus on limited stories continues. 

What did you think of the 2023 Netflix series, The Law According to Lidia Poët Season 1? Comment below.

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