Season 2, episode 9, is hands down the best episode of the season, with incredible writing and performances.
Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 9 picks up where we left off with Vivian yelling about them finding out about Doc making money off the Zenith Hype players. Geoffrey says he used to do it with a business partner, Lorenzo, but they had a falling out and are ready to expose him.
Will tells Phil he was right the entire time and wants to meet with Doc face-to-face on his own.
Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 9 Recap
The episode picks up where we left off with Vivian yelling about them finding out about Doc making money off the Zenith Hype players. Geoffrey says he used to do it with a business partner, Lorenzo, but they had a falling out and are ready to expose him. Will tells Phil he was right the entire time and wants to meet with Doc face-to-face on his own.
Connor has gone missing, and one of his friends approaches Carlton about it. Shortly after, Drew and Lisa walk by holding hands, and he proceeds to snitch on Lisa by saying he is hanging out with Connor again.
Will is met with hesitation when speaking to the team, as the players say they want to play ball. The players say they go to the bus stop when they leave, and Doc is all they have.
Doc talks to Will and says that if he has something to say, say it to his face. He explains that he ain’t doing anything everyone else hasn’t done for years. However, Will realizes he trusted him and feels stupid for investing that much in him.
How does Erika get Phil to join the firm?
Erika arrives at the Banks household with some flowers with Vivian. The two sit down and clear the air on a few things, including Erika giving her a pep talk about taking the job she was offered. Shortly after, we realize this was all a ploy because at lunch after Phil accepted the offer to join the firm, she said she is glad that the drop-by with Vivian helped him reconsider.
Hilary throws a party at Lemarcus’s house, and she is playing it off with her friends that they are “just friends.” He doesn’t help the situation by planting a kiss on his cheek. The two have a good conversation about working together without any expectations.
There was a big five-on-five game to which Lemarcus was very handsy with Hilary with cameras rolling. That evening, he declares again that he wants her and to take as much time as she needs.
Carlton arrives home, and Connor and his mom sit on the couch. It was on the suggestion of Geoffrey that they all have the sit down together. Carlton doubles down on the story he told his mom, and Connor helps him with the story.
Later, Will confronts Carlton, but he tells him he isn’t on drugs—a powerful scene between these two.
What does Jackie reveal to Will about Doc?
Will invites Jackie to Jazz’s party to sit down and discuss the entire Doc/Zenith situation. Instead, she quickly takes his mind off things by putting them on him. After they sleep together, she says she will tell him everything.
Jackie tells her that the entire thing was so Doc could use Phil as an asset, which hurts him deeply. He realizes he was a puzzle piece, and they both used him.
Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 9 Ending Explained
Carlton meets with Connor and tells him that with everyone watching over them, they will need to be more secretive about their next moves. After this, Hilary shows up to Jazz’s opening and sees him dancing with other girls causing her to return to Lemarcus’s house.
Phil and Geoffrey arrive to talk to Doc about his running Zenith Hype. Doc tells him he tried to make a deal with Lorenzo because he tried to get shady with their dealings. Phil doesn’t care and says Will is no longer on the team.
However, before he leaves, Doc says it’s not that easy because every player who played for Doc would be deemed ineligible to play college ball. He says he needs that Phil, that got someone out of a gun charge, to help him out.
Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 10 Recap
Bel-Air Season 2 Episode 10 (Credit – Peacock)
Vivian and Phil are trying to figure out their next move knowing that Will will not be able to play basketball if Doc is busted. Will is skipping school and playing on the courts and almost ends in a fight until Jazz shows up.
While Jazz tries to help him, Will tells him to pound sand. As he struggles, he calls his mom to say he thinks he might need his father.
How does Will get Phil on board to help Doc?
After getting much clarity from his mom, Will brings in his teammates to talk to Phil before he throws the towel on Doc. They start to list all of the things that Doc did for them when they or their families when they needed it. Phil and Doc sit down with Lorenzo, but it gets heated fast. As he tries to leave, Geoffrey walks in and says the conversation isn’t over yet. It gets the job done as he signs the papers.
Phil alters his plan with Erika by opening a smaller firm to which the big firm farms clients. Erika doesn’t love it, but Phil says he will do what she needs, but this is a bigger-picture idea.
After setting up his new office, Erika is excited, comes in for a hug, and also plants a kiss on him. Geoffrey walks in and says they can still get out of this, but he is playing the game and knows how to handle Erika.
Janice comes to visit Vivian about an art gallery featuring her painting, but before she can go, Janice tells Vivian about knowing that she wants her job. Things get dicey when Janice says she’ll never get her job, as she will never let it happen.
Later, Vivian sits down with Janice to explain that someone will take over one day, and it might not be anyone who looks like them. Let her be the person to take over and right the ship.
Carlton is saying all the right things to make moves, but Drew comes in to rain on his parade, saying he is still the bad guy at the end of the day. Will tries to talk to Carlton and tell him that he doesn’t have to get into all of the mess, but Carlton blows him off.
Drew approaches Lisa and tells her that he was the one that leaked the video because he calls bullshit when he sees it. He says that until she is over Will, she can’t be with anyone.
Lemarcus and Hilary are having dinner, and he mentions that she needs a break. He wants to take her to Paris to reconnect and find their way again.
At the Founders Award gathering, Jazz approaches Will to talk about Hilary when he says she is heading to Paris with Lemarcus soon but says the chance is still there for him to make up with her.
Jazz lays it all on the line to Hilary. He asks if she is willing to take a chance on him and says I don’t know.
Who busts Carlton doing drugs?
At the Founders Award gathering, Carlton went to his locker to get a bump of coke. As he was taking it, Ashley walked up and asked what he was doing, and he told her that it was Xanax.
As Carlton tried to say they needed to get back in, she called him out for it not being Xanax. He tells her to let it go for him, and she says she can’t, but he grabs her by the arm and tells her not to say a damn thing.
Who wins the Founders Award?
Carlton wins the award. He goes to deliver the speech and tells everyone that he apologizes for making everyone believe he is worthy of the award because of a drug attack. He says he is definitely nobody’s hero and walks off the stage.
Bel-Air Season 2 Ending Explained
When they return home, Phil snaps at Carlton, but Carlton says, “I know I’m not the son you dreamed of.” Phil yells, tired of apologizing for giving everyone the perfect life, and walks away. Vivian and Phil said they couldn’t believe this slipped through the cracks.
The episode ends with a montage of Hilary knocking on Lemarcus’s door and saying let’s go. Then, Geoffrey opens an envelope and sees a picture of him and his son at a table.
Phil embraced Carlton when the news broke that Vivian was taking for Janice on the internet. It ends with Phil texting Erika that he will go to dinner with her.
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