Is Take Care of Maya on Netflix a true story? Explained

By Louie Fecou
Published: June 20, 2023 (Last updated: last month)
Is Take Care of Maya on Netflix a true story

Is Take Care of Maya on Netflix a true story? We discuss the 2023 Netflix documentary film, which includes details that some readers may find disturbing. Reader discretion is advised.

Often the story behind the story becomes the focus of attention when it comes to documentaries on TV.

One particularly heartbreaking documentary has left viewers open-mouthed as the facts have been explored. Take Care of Maya is one such story and is equally frightening and exasperating in its narrative.

The show tells the story of Maya Kowalski, her mother, Beata, and the accusations against the family when Maya was admitted to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital as a nine-year-old in 2016.

The shocking story ends tragically, and a family is left devastated by the events.

The Netflix documentary explores the situation, and many are so shocked they wonder about the facts behind the events. This article will answer the question is Take Care of Maya on Netflix a true story?

What is Take Care of Maya on Netflix about?

The documentary follows the Kowalski family and what happens to them when their young daughter is admitted to the hospital after she starts showing lesions on her arms and suffers from asthma attacks, headaches, and cramping.

During one terrible attack, Maya was rushed to the hospital in Florida, and her mother explained to the team there about the treatment she required for the CPRS. However, this raised suspicions in the medical staff, and they informed Child Protection Services about the incident.

They would conclude that Maya’s mother, Beata, a trained medical nurse, suffered from a condition known as Munchausen Syndrome by proxy.

This rare psychological condition is often associated with parents or care providers that have made up fake illnesses for children or, in some extreme cases, cause events to fabricate symptoms that make the child look ill or injured.

The documentary focuses on the consequences that occur within the family after the false allegations were made. Child protective services would remove Maya from the custody of her parents for three months believing she was the victim of medical abuse.

The court would then require a complete psychological evaluation of the mother, Beata, before allowing Maya to return to her family.

Eighty-seven days after being separated from her beloved daughter, Beata commits suicide, and a note she leaves behind states, “I no longer can take the pain being away from Maya and being treated like a criminal. I cannot watch my daughter suffer in pain and keep getting worse.”

Is Take Care of Maya a true story?

It is heartbreaking to say that the story is true, and the mismanagement of the situation would tear apart the Kowalski family.

What did Maya Kowalski have?

Maya was admitted to the hospital and was diagnosed with a rare disorder called CRPS, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Maya would receive treatments involving Ketamine, which would help alleviate the extreme pain and discomfort the child would experience.

However, the condition would resurge, leading to her being admitted to the emergency ward, where allegations against the family were made.

Where is Maya Kowalski now?

Maya was released after the tragic event into her father’s custody five days after her mother’s death. The Netflix documentary explains that the family has launched a lawsuit against the hospital six years after Beata’s death.

The family is looking for justice for the death of Beata, and a trial is scheduled for September 2023.

Beata had kept meticulous and precise notes about all aspects of Maya’s condition that will help the case.

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