The Perfect Find Ending Explained (In Detail)

By Emma Vine
Published: June 25, 2023 (Last updated: May 11, 2024)
The Perfect Find Ending Explained (In Detail)

This article discusses the ending of Netflix’s The Perfect Find and will contain spoilers.

Say what you will about romantic comedies, but they are a comforting viewing experience, exploring one of life’s most valued emotions, love.

The newest rom-com to enter the catalog is Netflix‘s The Perfect Find, bringing viewers an adorable love story worthy of a watch.

The Perfect Find Ending Explained

What happens at Mae Mae’s birthday party?

At Mae Mae’s birthday party, her dance teacher Madison attends, who just so happens to be Eric’s ex-girlfriend. After the two share a hug, Jenna comes over to greet Madison, and Eric introduces Jenna as his coworker.

Jenna is taken aback as she hopes to be introduced as his girlfriend, but Eric holds back as the two have kept their relationship a secret due to Darcy.

After the two argue about Eric giving his ex multiple hugs and not introducing Jenna as his partner, Eric asks Jenna to kiss him in front of everyone at the party to show they are together. She refuses to, and then Eric leaves.

Why do Brian and Jenna have an argument?

After attempting to call Eric multiple times on the phone and getting no answer, Jenna randomly runs into her ex, Brian, while out walking in the street.

He tells her that his mother recently passed away, and as he breaks the news, she hugs him and offers to drive him home.

As they walk away, Eric, who has come to see Jenna, witnesses them together and leaves.

What occurs between Eric and Jenna at Darcy’s penthouse?

After Jenna realizes that Eric is working from home and she won’t get to see him, she devises a plan with her friends to get her into Darcy’s penthouse, where he is working. After successfully entering the building, she chats to Eric, who says she has balls for showing up at this mother’s residence.

The two discuss the interaction with Madison, and Eric tells Jenna that he saw her with her ex-Brian.

Jenna insists she no longer feels for Brian and loves Eric. After their talk, the two have sex, and Darcy catches them in the act. Darcy confronts Jenna as she asked her to stay away from Eric and for there to be no problems, to which Jenna responds that she and Eric fell in love. After that, Darcy fires Jenna and asks her to leave.

What happens when Eric and Jenna meet for dinner?

Jenna invites Eric to dinner to catch up on life. During their meeting, Eric reveals he left Darzine and is working on a documentary, and Jenna reveals that she teaches a fashion and film course at Columbia University. Jenna then shows Eric an ultrasound, revealing she is pregnant with their baby.

As Eric doesn’t want kids, Jenna says she doesn’t need anything from him. The news takes Eric aback as he thought they were meeting to catch up, and Jenna informs him that his reaction isn’t comforting, and he then leaves.

Why does Darcy visit Jenna?

Darcy visits Jenna and confesses that her husband’s father never liked her, even though she was madly in love with his son. As this was a hard experience to go through, she proclaims that she won’t be that kind of person toward Jenna and wants to stop the animosity between them, seeing as they’re now family.

Do Eric and Jenna end up together?

Yes, Eric and Jenna do end up together. Darcy tells Eric about Jenna’s ultrasound, and he goes to the hospital to attend her appointment, where they find out they’re having a baby boy together, which Jenna decides to name after Eric’s father.

Eric says he didn’t know much about his father but wants to ensure his son knows everything about him.

At the end of The Perfect Find, we see Eric and Jenna in a relationship, and they attend the Darzine gala together. When interviewed about her comeback to the industry, she refers to it as “the perfect find.”

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