Devil’s Advocate Season 1 Episode 7 Recap and Ending Explained

By Jonathon Wilson - July 14, 2023
Devil's Advocate Season 1 Episode 7 Recap and Ending Explained

This article contains spoilers for the Netflix series Devil’s Advocate Season 1 Episode 7, including an open discussion about the ending of Devil’s Advocate Season 1.

Only the second Kuwaiti Netflix production ever, Devil’s Advocate — not to be confused with the movie of the same title — is a taut legal thriller in which a rebellious lawyer elects to defend a professional football when he’s accused of murdering his wife.

As is common in the genre, the early going of the seven episodes is really an investigation into the case, exploring the backgrounds of the characters and allowing bonds to form and mysteries to percolate. It’s all building to the big, dramatic courtroom showdown, of course, but surprisingly, Devil’s Advocate saves its juiciest reveals for after the trial itself.

We’ll unpack those big reveals and a little more here for your convenience.

Devil’s Advocate Season 1 Ending Explained

Is Bader found guilty?

Throughout the show, Bader is on trial for stabbing his wife Dalal to death.

As Loulwa digs into the case she comes to learn about Bader’s abusive father — more on this later — and the fact his mother has spent the last decade and a half in a mental health institution. She also unearths that while Bader’s relationship with Dalal wasn’t without its difficulties, he had endeavored to remain by her side.

Ultimately, Bader is found innocent of the crime since there isn’t enough evidence to convict him, and he leaves court a free man.

Who killed Dalal?

In a shocking twist, it is revealed that it was Loulwa who killed Dalal. 

The two had met quite by chance, and Loulwa had long resented what she believed to be Loulwa’s lack of appreciation for her happy family life (and, it’s strongly implied, for Bader specifically.)

So, Loulwa shanked up Dalal, disposed of the evidence, and used her legal expertise to ensure that Bader was found innocent. If you squint a little, it’s almost romantic!

Were Dalal and Loulwa working together?

At the very end of the finale, Bader is tipped off about Loulwa’s guilt and confronts her about it (they’re together now, by the way).

This scene is deliberately very ambiguous. It’s implied by the look on Loulwa’s face that she isn’t especially surprised by Bader asking her how she killed his wife, and he doesn’t look all that bothered by it either. The implication is that perhaps he knew what happened from the very beginning and went through the whole ordeal of the trial to allow Loulwa to get away with it.

There’s some basis for this as we learn that Bader had already covered up the murder of his father, which Dalal was privy to. Her being privy to this also made her a threat to him, and she wasn’t shy about wielding it, which also gives Bader motivation to get rid of her.

We’ll probably never know for sure, but if you want my educated opinion, I’d definitely say the two of them were in cahoots all along.

You can stream Devil’s Advocate Season 1 Episode 7 exclusively on Netflix. Do you have any thoughts on the ending of Devil’s Advocate Season 1? Let us know in the comments.

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Netflix, Platform, TV, TV Explainers, TV Recaps